Meeting Pix

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Endeavor's privet plane landed at the Newark airport and took a taxi to Niagara Falls.

The four were taken to meet the mayor of Niagara Falls at a correction facility.

"Welcome! Endeavor, Hawks! It's an honor to have you here! I'm Julie Hartman; please call me Julie," she said as she excitedly shook their hands.

"Pleased to meet you, ma'am."

"Can we hurry this up already!" Bakugo complained.

"And who are these two?" Julie asked as she walked to Bakugo and his teacher.

"Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. I'm a teacher at UA high school, and this is one of my students, Katsuki Bakugo; he is also cousins to the girl you have called us here to see."

"Yes, right this way, please," she said, leading the group.

They followed Julie down a hallway to a holding cell with a girl in a straitjacket behind a plexiglass wall.

The girl had light green that reached down to her ankles. She was facing the wall looking away from the glass wall, the officer guarding the cell knocked on the glass, and she turned her head to look at them.

Bakugo stood off to the side of the plexiglass.

"How does she look?" He asked Aizawa.

"She seems calm at the moment," he answered.

"Can I see her?"
"Not yet. We want to see if she acts as we were told."

"Can we take the jacket off her?" Hawks asked.

"She's unstable, and she runs when she has the chance," the officer told him.

Endeavor went to open the door, but Bakugo told him to stop.

"Send feathers in. She likes birds," he said.

"No one is allowed in anymore. Everyone that has gone in gets serious injuries; they barely make it out," the officer explained.

Hawks plucked one of his feathers and had it fly into the cell. It flew around Pix's face; she was fascinated by the flying feather and tried following it but tripped while trying to stand up. Hawks used his feather to pick her up and put her on her feet; he undid the straitjacket and started playing with the feather like a little girl.

"Hey, she's kinda cute," Hawks joked.

"She's not a cat bird man," Bakugo said, yanking Hawks's wing.

"Why is she acting like that?" Aizawa asked.

"She's always been curious about quirks. This could just be her normal self. I would have to talk with her to fully understand what kind of state she's in," Bakugo explained.

The Pros convinced the mayor to take Pix to a meeting room with a couch to sit on so she was more comfortable and not as scared. There was a two-way mirror on the wall, and on the other side Endeavor and Hawks stood on one side and watched Pix. Hawks wings would randomly ruffle and nudge Endeavor.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Hawks?"
"She's still messing with my feather. My wings are having a normal reaction to being fidgeted with."

Aizawa walked into the room and sat across from Pix.

(Pix knows Japanese just fyi)

"Hello, Pix. I'm a pro hero from Japan. I'm here to help you."

Pix was nervous and squeezed tighter onto the feather, then it flew out of her hand and landed on her head.

"Try not to be too rough with the feather. It's sensitive, " Aizawa told her.

She stayed silent, afraid to speak.

"I brought someone you might be comfortable talking to."

He stood up and knocked on the door to the room, and Bakugo walked in.

"Suki?" She said quietly.

He walked to the couch she was on and bent down in front of her. She moved her hand, telling him to come closer, then whispered in his ear, "You can't be here," then he pulled away.

"What did he do, Pix?" He asked in a whispered tone.

"He wants to hurt people. He wants me to do it. He wants me to use Izuzu's power," she told him.

Aizawa took note of what she said. Bakugo decided to change the subject so he could understand more of what was going on.

Bakugo took the feather off her head and held it for her.

"Do you like this?" He asked.

"Bird!" She said with a gentle smile.

"It belongs to a pro hero. He has a lot more feathers and can fly."
"Like a bird."

Bakugo stood up and gave Pix the feather, then walked out of the room with Aizawa. They met with Endeavor and Hawks in the viewing room.

"She doesn't seem dangerous," Endeavor said. 

"What do you think, Bakugo?"
"What's dangerous is the one in control."
"In control?"

"Pix's father, Robin, is an abusive man. He hit his wife constantly until she eventually gave up and ran away. Robin is the head of a company that sells support items on the black market. He builds stuff of his own he made a device a few months after Pix's mother left. I don't know how it works, but he used it once, and now the more he hurts her, the more she obeys."

"That sounds like a regular abusive relationship," Hawks said.

"It is, but the difference is whoever causes the most pain is the one that controls her," Bakugo explained.

"How do you know that's how it works?" Aizawa asked.

"Deku and I knew it was like that, but we didn't believe it until we had no choice but to gain control."

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