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My eyes open much later in the day. I stare up at a concrete ceiling. Stripped of my usual attire and in rags. The prisoners that were with me are long gone. I stand and pace. Not focusing on anything else. "Okay, let's calm down and think... I need to get out of here," I pat my body and look around, the panic resurfacing. "No... Where's the gem?!" The sound of keys distracts me as I pull the simple bed apart.

"Quit making a mess, and stand back." Two men stand at the barred door. They glare at me through metal helmets.

If I tried to escape now, I would have to run past several guards and not know what direction to go. I stare at the cuffs that still bind me. Then, up as the door to my cell opens. The guard faces me with a smile as he pulls me harder than needed. They drag me through stone halls. There's a campfire-like smell on their clothing. I look outside small windows and now hear the screaming of others and the sound of fire as it engulfs them outside. I feel my throat tighten, and the blood drains from my face. I don't have all day, though, it seems.

"You know the rules, men. Torture her. Cut her fingers from her hands. Her ears from her head. Whatever will bring the most pain. The nobles paid a lot to be here. It's not every day we get an Elven Witch." They only nod as I am dragged out to a private platform. I try to break from their grip. Instead, they tighten their fingers and kick at the back of my knees, forcing me to kneel. A rope pulls around my legs, and a chain is hooked onto the cuffs. They turn to prepare torture tools as the people dressed in fancy gowns and suits eye me. Some throw food or objects. I stare down at the dirty, ragged dress.

"It's now or never," I whisper, concentrating all my energy as I quietly chant. I feel the rope unbind from my legs, and the chains that hold me to the platform begin to turn into melted metal. I jump over the frightened nobles.

"The Witch is free!" The guards shout. I run through the alleyway and down another. Quickly taking in the surroundings seeing most are empty. As alarms sound behind me, I turn down the first one I find. Next is the sound of metal on the cobblestone coming from behind me. I quickly jump onto a garbage box and to the roof of a building, watching dozens of soldiers run past me. I rest for a while as the sun sets, and panic takes over the rest of the city dwellers.

"Is it true a Witch is running loose?"

"We need to get out of Avinar. Or we will end up like Moonbright."

"I want the guard changed every hour. Don't leave any stone unturned; send a few to scope the roofs. Those damn elves are nimble. Send more to protect the citizens, and double the guards at the Castle gate until that monster is found." I curse silently at the familiar woman's voice. A few soldiers do as told and begin to climb on roofs. Staying low, I climb down much later into the night.

"I need to get a cloak... Then worry about getting out of here." I find my way to the market. It is usually bustling with people. Instead, it's a mess; only a few shopkeepers remain outside. Guards patrol and search every person who passes, from the youngest child to the oldest man who wears a cloak.

I should run while I can. I am so tired of this sneaking about. Everywhere I go, it seems. I grumble and roll my eyes, biting my lip and looking at my cuffed wrists. I begin to chant once more and summon an illusion before the guards.

"Hey, look over there. That's the witch!" They quickly take off after the illusion into another alley. The remaining shopkeepers rapidly run into their homes or hide.

I stand and find a stall that sells old clothing. I slide on the tattered cloak before going the opposite way. I wrap it around my neck and flee, hiding my hands. I owe the shopkeeper if I can come back here safely. Or alive. I step softly in the shadows to the South gate. Every guard that passes or anyone who looks at me suspiciously has me hiding away.

The Witch and the Tower: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now