To Save a Princess

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"Join us... You can live free forever," an intangible voice hisses loudly.

I stumble down a mirror-like pathway. My eyes snap back up from the dark, corrupted woman who snickers at my thoughts. "It's not me. I don't look like that. I am good."

I stumble into a hazy scene as a young woman sits outside reading beside a crumbling lighthouse. The next minute, a tower rises from the sea. She steps into it, holding another beautiful elven woman's hand. As the door shuts, her kind smile fades and turns into a wicked one. "Give in... Give in." The hissing is louder now, bringing me to my knees, repeating relentlessly.

"No... I am a good... I am not like you. I am not evil." I awake, gasping. I stare at my palms and then grab my hair, seeing it's white. I touch my face and exhale, relieved.

"Good. You're up." I jump as the Commander suddenly speaks. She watches as I attempt to stand, but I now notice I am on the floor. My leg hangs twisted in a dusty sheet that I kick away and, at last, get to my feet, fixing my ragged dress and knotted hair.

"I am back in my cell?" I hold my head and walk to the barred door. She only hits the rusted gate. I jump back and cover my ears as the loud noise echoes in the stone room. Looking into brown eyes full of detest. "Must you always act like this? What have you got against me, lady."

"Where would I begin...." Somehow, her eyes grow sharper. "You can thank the Captain. He carried you back from the field." I sit down on the bed. I push back the hair that sticks to my sweaty forehead. "Be ready to go. I am sure your death is imminent now that you have failed." Scarlet lips spread into a grin, and the sound of heeled boots fades.

Carried me back, what happened..? I try to remember the fields. The vision I had when I used my magic. The elven women guided the Princess to the tower. That story can't be accurate; it's a tale. I stand and pace, lost in thought.

"Let's go." I scoot away quickly, surprised by the sudden men at my cell.

"Go? Where?" I don't fight, not having any strength, as the two enter and grab hold of me. I follow one that leads, and another stays behind me. "Where am I going?" They stay quiet with the same hate in their eyes. I am brought down familiar corridors. A dreadful feeling overcomes me again, and I know who awaits me as they push through a small crowd of Soldiers and Mercenaries.

They kick at the back of my knees, forcing me to kneel when I reach his throne's front. The men who carried me take their places around the King. "So, where is my daughter...?" He says, at last, looking up from his hands. He stands as I am about to speak. "You told me you could find her, yet I see no hope." Grabbing my face roughly. I see that he has grown worse. The white of his eyes is red, and veins bulge.

"I... I know what happened... I can find-" Rorik tosses me to the side onto the hard marble floor. I hold my aching side and feel a bruise form. I bite my tongue so I don't lash out and quicken my death.

"I have heard of your tricks. I am no fool, witch."

"Shall we get her secrets, Sire? She's useless, just like I suspected." The Commander bows low. Her lips curl into that grin again as she waves. I watch as soldiers approach and lift me. I am about to fight back when I hear footsteps.

"King Rorik. I believe she is telling the truth." I peek over at the large man who pushes through the guards. He bows, and blonde curls fall forward. "She has valuable information that I think she should share." He stands and peeks back at me before looking at the King, who only makes a sound to make his annoyance known and crosses his arms.

"Very well she may speak, and if I like what I hear, then the Captain can tell us his next steps." He waves a hand, and they release me. I fall to the ground onto my knees. I'm trying to find the best way to word what even I think sounds like an excuse. He clears his throat and looks impatient as he rests a fist under his chin.

The Witch and the Tower: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now