The Captain

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"It's a new day, Captain," She smirks as I stare into her unusual eyes. One pale white, the other as blue as the sky. She doesn't make it hard as we lead her toward the gate and further to Orteria Castle.

Inside the polished halls, she's immediately surrounded by my Company. I receive another glare from her. I turn to the barely recognizable man when loud stomps get our attention. We bow our heads as he passes by in a rush. Brown hair, usually combed away from a composed face, is a mess, and his skin is sickly pale, dripping with sweat. He looks more than worried. He is afraid and upset. "So this is the Witch." His harsh words come from chapped, dry lips, and he pushes us aside, grabbing her roughly by the chin. "Where is my DAUGHTER?!" He wails at her, and she stares boldly back into his stern blue eyes. Then looks away, seemingly upset.

"I do not know what you speak of, lord." She barely whispers. He raises a hand decorated with large rings and then stops. He pushes her onto the ground pulling away with a sharp inhale, and returns to standing tall before me. We kneel as he sits on the high throne that glitters from blue and green gems. Gold lines the royal blue cushion he sits on.

"One matter at a time, and I have something far more pressing than what to do with one disgusting Witch." He looks from his hands and raises his right, permitting us to stand. He beckons me to come closer. Now I can see red and black under his tired eyes. His lip trembles. "The reason I summoned you. My lovely daughter... She is missing."

"Princess Ophelia?" I think back to the young woman who often sits knitting at her father's side: the bright smile and large amber eyes. My brow furrows, and I glance back at the king. He only nods. Seeming to be in deep thought.

"I fear the worst... Bandits... Murderers... Witches." He spits and eyes the woman in the back. Then he looks back at me, sobbing. "You must find her, Captain. She is my only family. My lovely Ophelia. I can't send my guards on others' land, but a mercenary can do as he pleases."

"Yes, my lord. I will have her returned safely to your side. Is there no one who may have seen her last?" He shakes his head, upset, and stares at his hands, rolling a gold ring set with rubies around one well-manicured finger.

"There is no one. It has been two weeks. Ophelia's idiotic maids left her in her room, and she snuck away on one of her damn adventures. I had them fired, but I fear that won't be enough. I'll have the doors locked and barred when she is home! Oh, please return her. We can discuss your reward later." He grips his hands together tighter till the knuckles turn white. Then stands slowly, walking back to the witch on the ground.

"So your Princess often goes on these adventures, and you still blame others for your problems?" She rolls her eyes and looks up at the King as his fist tightens.

"Shut your mouth. You... You will be tortured slowly. Burned alive. You will pay for your kind." He stares at her, and her expression changes. I expect fear, but she almost looks at him with pity.

"Sire!" Our attention is directed to Commander Jules. She stands in the back of the room and approaches quickly. "If I may, she should be tested. We need to know if the runes can lose their abilities or if we need to find a way to strengthen them." She bows her head. "After all, in the report. She still had the strength even to outwit the Captain here."

"That is true... I don't understand how she could use such strong magic." A playful gleam remains in her eyes as she listens to our conversation. "Just be careful she doesn't escape again."

"Very well. Do what you must, and find out what you can. Then burn the Witch's wretched body." He turns from her, and I watch as she moves to get up, scowling at his back. I quickly move in front of her. King Rorik turns to us as she steps forward, and swords tighten around her tiny neck before she can speak.

The Witch and the Tower: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now