2 Kakashi

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As usual, I'll leave a Spotify QR at the end of the chapter with the playlist I use to write this :) 

I was forcefully woken up all of a sudden by the sound of the door being slammed open, but I woke up completely when I saw that my visitor was a short and angry-looking man instead of my usual company: (Y/n). He entered with heavy and quick steps, and despite the dim light of the room I could still see his heavy frown. But I didn't pay him much attention for my eyes quickly fell on someone else. Behind him stood her, (Y/n), still by the door and with her arms crossed. She didn't look at me, nor at him, and instead, her eyes remained on the floor, slowly and cautiously walking inside the room as well.

I continued to look at her, perhaps waiting for her to look back at me like she always did, or at least explain who was this man or why he was there. But no, instead, I received a punch in my stomach from him. I shut my eyes tightly to try to get my breath back when his hand wrapped around my neck, closing it tightly and thus making it more difficult. 

"What is the Root planning to do in the Land of Rain?" he asked me, and had I been in another situation I would have probably arched a brow. I didn't know, I wasn't even part of the Root. Why would he ask so suddenly? (Y/n) hadn't asked me anything about it since I had been there.

I didn't say anything anyway. And so, I got kneed on my stomach again, making me squirm some more while I coughed. 

The man walked around me until he was behind my back. But as soon as I seemed to get my breathing back I felt a scorching and stinging cut in my back. Or, to be fair, several cuts that were caused by a tailed whip. I unconsciously arched my back as I finally let go of an audible complaint. 

"Why are Konoha ninjas being sent to the Land of Mountains?" he asked something different that again I did not know and did not answer. And so again, he whipped my back, this time repeatedly. 

I'd lie if I said I quickly got used to the pain in my back because even if I was, I still wasn't able to control the reflex of my body every time the whip hit my raw and bloody back; or the reflex of my hands gripping at the chains. But despite all the pain, I didn't utter a word. I wouldn't have even if I did know the answer to his questions. So, whenever my eyes didn't shut tight due to the spanks, they would fall on (Y/n) who continued to be with her arms crossed and who stood in a far corner while she stared at me with a frown. In fact, she seemed to sigh even, but I wouldn't know for sure since all I could really focus on was the sound of the whip mutilating my skin. 

After what seemed like hours, the man finally stopped. But it stang so much that I could still feel the strike of the leathery whips on my back, making my body tremble every few seconds. 

"You were on the border between the Land of Chasms and the Land of Fangs when we ambushed you, what was your mission there?" this time he asked something that I did know, and he knew. But as much as it pained me, I remained shut. 

It seemed to infuriate him further for he whipped me once more before he reappeared in front of me and punched my cheekbone hard. Then, he raised the whip again, this time aiming at my face. I shut my eyes tightly and waited for the strike as I felt my cheek burn like my back just from imagining the strike. But the hit never came. 

"I fucking told you not to touch his fucking face you dumbfuck," (Y/n)'s voice sounded angry. I opened my eyes and saw how she had stopped the whip right before he could hit me. He shrugged her off with a scoff, pushing her with a frown. 

"It's been two months and you still haven't gotten anything useful from him," the man said as angry as she was "Sentako's getting impatient," 

I gripped at my chains and grimaced, trying to focus on this conversation despite how badly my whole body hurt. So much in fact... that it was getting harder and harder not to close my eyes and succumb to the exhaustion and pain. But I needed to pay attention. After all, I now knew that it had at least been a month since I had been there. 

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