14 Kakashi

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I had been stuck at the hospital for a week now, feeling more and more helpless as days passed. With every day, my anxiety grew heavier; and every day I woke up I would search my surroundings, searching for (Y/n) as an instinct. 

Like I said, it had been a week since I had seen (Y/n), but instead of getting used to the lack of her, it only got more and more uncomfortable. Since the moment I left her room at the inn, I felt this feeling of emptiness. As if I wouldn't see her again, and thus as if I hadn't said everything I should yet, everything I wanted to say. I felt as if each day I took longer to go back to her, it would increase the chances of her leaving without a word. I couldn't help but think she had actually already done it, and that when I went to see her she would be already gone. But I wanted to believe and hope she would be truthful to her words and promises. I just... needed to get out of this place. 

But I couldn't. Since I set foot in Konoha, I was treated with the utmost care. I was immediately brought to the hospital, to run many check-ups and heal the wounds (Y/n)'s faint chakra wasn't able to. I was nursed like I hadn't in what felt like an eternity: my wounds were healed by the best medical ninjas, with all amenities and devices necessary, and all my needs were completely fulfilled. Yet I couldn't stop thinking and wishing it was (Y/n) healing me. It would be more austere, and harsh, but it'd feel ten times better. The chakra of any of the medical ninjas simply didn't feel as soothing as hers. To me, being healed had become such an intimate moment with her, that I hated to have it with someone else. But I couldn't refuse, just like I couldn't leave. I had it prohibited. 

Lord Third quickly visited me that same day, but I didn't even need him to tell me in order to know that everybody thought I was dead. The faces of everyone and the fact that so many people visited my room in such a short time confirmed it. 

"Physically, he seems to be alright," a nurse said to the Hokage when he arrived for they had healed all the wounds I had left in my body "Mentally though, we'll need to monitor him and keep doing check-ups"

"I'm alright," I said for the third time with a huff. The nurse licked her lip annoyed by my stubbornness, but the Hokage seemed unbothered. 

"Sir," she called the Hokage "the last victim seemed to be alright and then..."

"I know," Hiruzen answered, still unbothered. 

"I'm okay," I answered with a frown, knowing what they were referring to "She did nothing wrong to me. I'm not under a genjutsu, and I won't turn crazy," I refuted starting to be irked. 

"Hatake-san, your body was covered in torture scars..." she said back to me as if I was indeed in a genjutsu and I wasn't able to understand what they meant. But I did, and it angered me. I bit my lip in annoyance, but before I could answer the Hokage spoke first. 

"Please, leave us alone," he ordered the nurse, who nodded and left, closing the door behind her to give us some privacy. Hiruzen walked around the room until he was standing by the feet of my bed "Kakashi, how are you?" I blinked a few times, not expecting that question. 

"I'm perfect, sir" I answered honestly and with the same tone and determination as earlier. 

"You've been missing for almost a year," my eyes widened for a moment. 'Really? That much?' I thought. It had felt like a shorter time. although I guess it was easy to lose track of time when one was chained and captive "We thought you were dead," he confirmed my early suspicions, leaving place to a long silence.

"Well, I'm not," I broke "And I'm fine," I added, hoping he'd let me go home so that I could go back to (Y/n) the sooner the better. He sighed and sat on a near chair.

"Kakashi, do you know what happened to the only three people that escaped (Y/n)?" I swallowed. I knew, and he knew I knew. But he reminded me anyway "Hachi has been mute for years. He doesn't leave his house, and he barely lets anyone inside either. Eito doesn't even know where he is or who he is. He has the mind of three year old with anger issues, and he has been in mental care ever since we found him too. And Kai..."

"Kai killed himself a week after getting back, I know," I continued to sound bothered. She was not guilty of any of that, I know it. And I don't care if she was, she's not like that anymore, and I'm not like any of them. 

"He was the only one to be able to get back on his own. He insisted that he was all well... We're doing this for your own safety, but also for the village's" he explained, and although I understood their reasoning I huffed. If they only knew her like I did they'd see "Tell me about your time being captive," he ordered me after a while. And I was thankful we changed the topic.

"I woke up chained in a room. No windows. They wanted to know why there had lately been more Konoha ninjas sent to the Land of Fangs"

"Something else?" he asked, either thoughtful or totally untroubled by my words. I wasn't quite able to tell. 

I tried to think of other things they asked. Of what (Y/n) questioned me about and what we talked about. But besides what I said, we only talked about myself. I shook my head in denial.

"They only asked about that," I repeated. He looked at me with an unreadable expression and only talked again after a while. 

"You talk about 'they'. Is (Y/n) working with a man named Sentako?" I looked at him for a moment, at first surprised that he knew. But then I remembered what (Y/n) told me about the truth behind my team's mission, so I guessed Hiruzen easily connected one thing to the other. 

"No," I answered "She was his prisoner as well," I defended her, and finally the Third's face changed a little as a faint frown made its presence. But he sighed. 

"How did you escape?" he asked, ignoring my comment. I looked down for a moment, realizing that this was the perfect moment to try to make him forgive (Y/n). To make him understand her. 

"(Y/n) freed me," I said, but he didn't say anything "It seems Sentako has had her prisoner for years, forcing her to do all kinds of things. I couldn't have made it here without her" I finished, looking at him resolutely in hopes he'd see the sincerity in my eyes. He only pursed his lips, seemingly thoughtful. 

"So all this time, (Y/n) was working for Sentako?" he asked.

"Not working, she didn't have a choice. She even healed my wounds when we escaped" I repeated. He needed to understand that (Y/n) was innocent. He remained in silence again, looking at the ceiling in a thoughtful state until he stood up.

"Kakashi, do you know where (Y/n) is?" he asked me with sharp eyes and an inscrutable expression. I swallowed, but as much as I would have liked to look away I maintained his gaze and shook my head in denial. After all, she could have moved to another inn... I could not know for sure where she was, so it wasn't a complete lie. He looked at me for a few more seconds. 

"Rest, for now, Kakashi. You deserve some time off," he spoke as he walked to the door of the room "Once we know for sure there's nothing wrong with you, you'll be able to go," he said one last time before exiting the room. 

I slouched down onto the bed once he was gone, letting go of a sigh as I closed my lids. But soon my relaxed expression changed into a frown. 

I tried to make the Hokage see (Y/n)'s innocence, and instead, I almost ended up snitching on her. But it showed me a horrible truth, and that was that he would not forgive (Y/n) at all. I frowned then, sad and even bothered that they didn't believe me. And I still frowned now, after days and finally having been released. 

As I said, I spent the whole week worried, not only about the possibility of (Y/n) actually having left the village, but also about the fact that she could not come to Konoha with me. And although as I walked towards the near town I thought about how I wouldn't mind doing this for the rest of my life if it was for her, I also couldn't help but wish she could live with me. She deserved the security of Konoha, and she did not deserve everyone's hate. Well, she may have deserved it but she did deserve forgiveness as well. 

However, I was broken from my ominous thoughts when somebody jumped on me. I stopped walking, regaining my balance as I turned my head to my side with a frown.

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