7 Kakashi

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"I think it'd be better if we just went through the city," I said, making (Y/n) stop in her tracks. She turned around to look at me, and upon seeing her frown and arched brow I hesitated. But I was tired of going the long way, always skirting around the villages and cities instead of going through them. I was tired and hungry, and I was aware I was still far from home, which only made it sound more like the best option to me.

"No, I told you," she spat, making me roll my eyes. She could at least think about it... "someone will recognize us"

"How would they?" I quickly retorted before she could continue walking "The land of Mountains isn't even next to the land of Claws, no one will know about us" I said, trying to make her see that bordering every town we found was exaggerated and making us unnecessarily slower.

"They will, Sentako's influence is still notable here" she said with knitted brows that let me know she wouldn't budge.

"We stand out more like this, camping in the middle of the woods..." I continued, trying to convince her "We'd blend in more with the mass, and the more people around us the more difficult it'll be for a large group of enemies to pursue us or try anything. Besides, we could use some restocking of resources..." I said, omitting the fact that I also wanted to reach Konoha as soon as possible. But my last words seemed to sting her a little bit since her frown deepened and she got threateningly close.

"I said we'd do it my way, and we can find food just fine the way we've been doing," she said with an expression that for a moment took me back to that cell. My eyes stared at her shining (e/c) ones, and I gulped while I tried to keep my eyes from wandering anywhere else than her own now that her face had gotten dangerously close to mine. But right after her threat, her stomach rumbled, and oh God how difficult it was for me to not laugh or make a comment about it.

She must have seen my expression though, as she retreated and looked away, preventing me from seeing how she was probably blushing. And at the thought, I had a sudden urge to see such a strange view. But she turned around quickly, seemingly calm despite her closed eyes and twitching brow.

"There are many small animals down these hills... Once we're there we'll be able to hunt some rabbits..." she said crossing her arms and without looking at me. But then, a mild aroma of bakery and meat reached us.

We both closed our eyes as if to enjoy the smell even more. And this time, my stomach growled alongside hers. She looked away again.

"C'mon..." I tried again "It's also getting dark... we could have a decent meal and a decent bed..." I saw how she rolled her tongue, until with much difficulty she finally accepted. Although not without expressing her opposition several times, complaining pretty much all the time since the moment we set foot in the village. She only seemed to relax a little bit and stopped scowling once we found a street filled with food stands that were most likely the ones I should thank for having convinced (Y/n).

We quickly found a stand with pork buns and other types of meat appetizers that made my mouth water. But I realized I had no money.

I turned my face to (Y/n), hoping she'd buy some. And although she scoffed, I could see how much she wanted them as well. She reached for one of the pouches in her backpack, and after bargaining over the buns with the vendor, she handed me a few of the ones she got.

"We should find a place to spend the night," she spoke after we had eaten the first couple of buns. And I couldn't help but smile slightly when I saw how much less rude she was after eating. Even her stern look had completely disappeared. I nodded while I watched her munching on her last bun.

"The inns here will be too expensive, but I know a place," she said, and as soon as she was finished her pace quickened. Although the more we walked the faster she was.

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