13 Kakashi

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A/n: Sorry for taking so long and thank you for the kind words in the note I posted<3

(Art from @osakana__hell on Twitter)

We left the cave soon after what happened, now with clean clothes and smelling fresh. I had almost forgotten how great it was to feel clean. But my mind was clouded with something else. 

We had been, as usual, walking for the whole day. We had even reached the land of Fire, although we still had a long way to go. Even if I knew it wouldn't be as long as I would like it to be. But the thing is, that we hadn't talked much after leaving. And surely, despite her nor I being the chattier people in the world, I still had the feeling that the weird silence had something to do with what happened in the morning. With what I may have done. 

I was already worrying about it, so much, it almost made me forget about the silence around us. But then, the more we walked into the land of Fire's forests, the more I would worry about something else as well.

I couldn't stop thinking about it. I had been thinking about it almost since the day we were chased and attacked in that village in the land of Claws, and still, ever since, I hadn't been able to find a solution to my troubles and worries. And it only got worse and worse the closer we got to Konoha. It also didn't help to think that (Y/n) didn't even seem to realize my troubles, or perhaps it was better that way, because I knew that the moment I was faced with it, I simply would not know what to do. And never in my life had things ended up well whenever I couldn't react on time. 

So I thought she wouldn't have thought about it, which made me both heartbroken but hopeful; hopeful that I would at least have more time to think of something, of a way. 

She suddenly stopped walking.

"I shouldn't get any further," she spoke before I could realize she wasn't walking next to me anymore. I turned to her, my throat closing already. And then I saw her eyes flicker from the floor to me with an unreadable expression.

"What do you mean?" I asked, reaching for her hand, knowing exactly what she meant but not wanting it to happen. She tilted her head slightly and looked at me in a way that said 'I know you know'. My hand tightened around hers and I looked down at the floor with a frown.

"It will soon get dark, and there's a town close by. We can stay there tonight," I spoke, but her expression didn't change. 

"Kakashi," she called me, but I interrupted her. I did not want to hear it. I did not want to hear her say that we should part ways.  

"It will soon be night-time," I insisted, refusing to listen to her "What will you do? Travel at night?" I asked, hoping it'd at least convince her to stay with me one more night. And then... then I could think about it later.

"You shouldn't care about me," she said, sounding —for the first time since we escaped together —like she did when I was her hostage. It only hurt me more. 

I looked at her eyes with a frown, knowing that as blunt as she sounded she did not feel like that. I stared at her beautiful (e/c) eyes in silence, hoping to see something, anything that proved my thoughts, my hopes. 

"But I do care about you," I said earnestly. 

Her frown copied mine and we remained staring at each other with a frown while my hand refused to let go of her hand. I simply wouldn't, no matter what she said. She was the first one to look down, to look at our entwined hands, giving in to my loving yet firm hold on her. 

"So what then, Kakashi?" she spoke, finally sounding like herself. Like the way she had been with me during this time. But she also sounded dejected, and it made me look to our hands as well "I go with you, stay in this village near Konoha, and then what?" she caught me off ward when her eyes found mine "I can't go to Konoha anyway... "

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