19 (Y/n)

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"We found her in the gates of Konoha," the Hokage spoke. 

I didn't have it in me to look at Kakashi, but even without directly looking at him I could tell his eyes widened out of surprise. In other circumstances, I'm sure he would have bet I would leave to another country instead of Konoha. But here I was.

"W-why did you call me, sir?" Kakashi stuttered, his voice breaking all through the question.

However, the Hokage didn't seem to notice. I, on the other hand, immediately did and so I couldn't keep looking at my bloody hands. I turned to look at him, and I frowned when I saw his own frown. When I noticed how his dark eyes were fixed on the floor as he tried to fight the urge to look at me, and to fight the tears that threatened to slip. After all, we both knew what would happen next. 

"Do you really think I wouldn't know?" the Hokage asked humorlessly. 

I moved my gaze from Kakashi to him, leaving any softness I had for Kakashi aside as I stared at the Third with a frown and weary eyes. Even Kakashi looked at him, although he seemed more confused than anything else. The Hokage shook his head seeming disappointed which only worsened Kakashi's state who looked down at the floor with a more prominent and scared frown. 

"She has killed many of our own," I looked down when the Hokage spoke again, not because I was ashamed about what he said —I couldn't care less, to be honest —, but because I hated the way he was speaking to Kakashi. As if he was blaming him for something. And that did make me feel guilty "She has kidnapped, tortured, broken, and hurt your comrades"

"She was forced to do that," Kakashi stubbornly answered seemingly by instinct. And although he was clenching his fists, the way his eyes looked at the Hokage screamed for mercy "She doesn't even have any chakra. She's just smar—" he continued, but the Hokage cut him off with a more visible annoyance. 

"Stop it, Kakashi!" he said, standing up from his chair. 

I frowned, now not only feeling guilty but angry at the Hokage. After everything Kakashi had done for the village, he deserved more respect and consideration. Even if I still was sentenced with the maximum penalty, he deserved to be treated with the honors he had gained and not as if he was a simple ninja. 

"Can we get this over with already?" I ushered before the Hokage could say anything else to him.

The Third moved his gaze from Kakashi to me, but I looked at him with an almost even heavier frown. Although to be honest, I wanted to look at Kakashi. I knew he was probably breaking down internally, unable to have a coherent thought. There wasn't anything else I wanted more than to go to his side and hold him, and perhaps, he felt the same way. But I also knew that if I tried to do that, to hold him or comfort him... it would make things worse in the long run, so instead, I just accepted my fate. The sooner we were done with this the better. 

The Hokage held my stare for a long while until he sighed and sat down again. 

"(Y/n) (L/n)," the Hokage began, and by the tone he was using I could tell he was about to announce my penalty. Kakashi did too for his chest visibly trembled. And although I couldn't have a nice view of his face (since he was looking down), I could tell he was trying not to spill any tears "For all the crimes you've committed against the people of Konoha you are due to execution"

"Wait—" Kakashi snapped, looking at the Hokage in shock. It was then that I could see his eyes were in fact all teary and wet. His desperate face made my heart clench and for a moment I thought a tear slid down my cheek as well. 

"However," the Hokage continued before Kakashi could say anything else. 'However?' he took my attention away from Kakashi as I arched a brow "a village was saved thanks to you," he said this part with difficulty as if he himself didn't want to say it "Buildings will have to be restored, but hadn't it been for you many lives would have been lost"

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