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Weirdass chapter but enjoy I guess :S

I was walking down one of the few main streets this village had, carrying a couple of bags with groceries while I took on every person and nook of the town. It was truly calm. There was the almost constant and faint chirping of birds, the people were both happy and kind, and even the air felt different. I took a wide breath, feeling the humid and fresh air. It smelled like cedar, of nature and peace; and against all odds, I was actually enjoying my time there. 

I was, as usual, looking at the few kids and people that were on the street. Still now, it made me feel weird to see people being happy, something I was not used to until only a while ago. But then, my attention was taken elsewhere when I saw an unusual silver hair that I quickly recognized. I smiled upon seeing Kakashi and silently and leisurely jogged towards him, biting my lip when I saw how deep in thought he seemed with his hands shoved deep into his jonin trousers and his eyes fixed over the dirt of the street. And then, I jumped on his back, hugging him from behind and careful not to hit him with the bags of groceries. He immediately tensed and turned around to face me with a frown. But it instantly disappeared upon seeing me. His eyes softened and I could even feel his body relaxing. It made me smile. 

"Hi stranger," I said, referring to how much it had been since I last saw him. Although I wasn't worried about him not coming back, at all. He swallowed, nervous I guessed. 

"I couldn't come earlier," he ushered, making my smile widen.

"I know," I smiled reassuringly at him, jumping down from him and walking to his side "Come, let's go to my place," I said, leading the way. 

He quickly followed me. And as soon as he was by my side he picked up one of the two bags I was carrying. I looked at him from the corner of my eyes, walking closer to him as I realized how much I had missed the warmth from his body. 

"You're not staying at the inn anymore?" he asked me. I shook my head in denial. 

"With the amount of money I had left I managed to rent a studio for a few months" I explained "It isn't much, but it's bigger than my room is. And definitely more private" I added, as, after all, the studio was a medium-sized room with a bed, a small kitchen, and a toilet with a small shower "And," I continued, adding a pause for dramatic purposes. He looked at me intrigued and an overbearing smile appeared on my face "I might have found a job too," I explained, his eyes widened but I spoke again before he could "It's just a dishwasher job some nights at a restaurant, but it's enough for now" I added, looking at the floor and still feeling kind of satisfied with the job. Even if it seemed stupid and nothing too glamorous, it still felt good as it was a step farther from my miserable life back in the Land of Mountains. 

"That's great," Kakashi said after a while, and when I felt his hand shyly slipping into mine I turned to look at him. But he looked away "I'm proud of you," he said timidly, provoking a wider smile on me. My hand tightened around his and I leaned against his arm to lay a quick kiss on it. His hand tightened around mine, making me smile against his arm. Soon after we arrived at the small building my studio was in, and while I kept the groceries in the fridge and the only cupboard I had, Kakashi looked around the small place. 

"You like frogs?" Kakashi asked me out of nowhere. I stopped looking inside the fridge to look at him, only to find him holding an ugly small colorful frog figure I bought just a few days ago. 

"Not especially," I answered with a shrug, continuing with the task of keeping the food in its place "Back in the Mountains my room was empty. I never considered it as my own. It really wasn't mine, to begin with, and I knew I wouldn't stay there forever so I didn't want to decorate it" I explained, closing the fridge "Now that I have a place I kinda felt the urge to buy a few things. The frog looked silly and I bought it randomly" I concluded shrugging my shoulders once more and walking to the bed where I sat with a plop as I watched Kakashi leave the frog alone and inspect the other few things I could have bought "I don't think I'll buy much more though, 'cause I don't know how long I'll stay here either" I admitted.

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