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Still WT's  POV 

After we took the picture we did work or trained. I was on the computer trying to look up criminals,Tupperware and Toolshed were the training room,Mysterion was by my side,Dr. Timothy was in his office, and Call Girl was getting a new phone I think or whatever. I was almost done,I only had one more paragraph to write. After I was done me and Mysterion got up and stretched. 

Mysterion's POV

As me and Tweek get up to stretch I noticed something on his neck. It wasn't a hickey,wasn't a bug bite but it was a burn,and a pretty deep one too. He didn't seem to notice me looking at him. The burn looked like it really hurt. " Hey Wonders,how did you get that burn?" He froze and didn't say anything. " Oh I-i just s-s-spilled c-coffee o-on my ack! self." He replied. I mean he does drink lots of coffee everyday so he probably did spill it on himself like at home uj something. But how did it get on his shoulder though? " You sure you okay,that looks pretty deep." I said looking at his neck. Tweek nodded his head and patted my shoulder. " I'm fine. I was just trying to get Stripe from under the table and my coffee spilled on me. It's fine my mom cleaned it up for me. Thanks for caring for me Mysterion." Wonder tweek assured me. " No problem." I said giving him a hug. How did I and the other Freedom Pals not notice this?

Wonder Tweek's POV

After a couple of hours we werw just watching a movie since Dr.Timothy promised us we have no work tomorrow. It was just me,Mysterion,Call Girl,Timothy and Tupperware. After about thirty minutes Toolshed came down our base stairs in a hurry. He was out of breath and his hair was all over the place. I could tell he was running. " Toolshed what's wrong?" Call Girl asked in a hurry. " C-Coon And F-Friends,they're outside."Toolshed stuttered. Dr. Timothy looked embarrassed since he promised us no work for the weekend. Mysterion patted him on the back gently. "Don't worry Doc,we'll take them down. Come on Freedom Pals!" Mysterion said going upstairs. Me,Toolshed,Call Girl and Tupperware walked out of our base and out of Token's house. I could feel my body twitching faster as we walked closer and closer to Coon And Friends. " Wassup Freedom p#ssies?" The Coon smirked. " What the f#ck do you want you Coon b@stard?!" Mysterion yelled. With no words the fight has begun. Human Kite and Fastpass were fighting Toolshed. Mysterion was fighting the Coon. Captain Diabetes and Mint-Berry-Crunch was fighting Call Girl. And the rest except one was fighting Tupperware.  Leaving me with...my ex. " S-S-Super C-C-Craig?" I stuttered. He looked at me with a devilish smirk. " You didn't tell anyone  about the incident did you?" He asked walking closer to me. I nodded my head. " Good boy~" Craig whispered in my ear. I could feel his warm breath on my neck as he liked my ear. I quickly pushed Craig off of me. I had a gross expression on my face. Craig looked angry. Without a clue he punched me in the face. Hard. I fell to the ground. Craig got on top of me.He was about to throw a second punch but I stopped him. He pulled out a pocket knife making me more scared of him. " Oh Tweekers. You don't want me to hurt your pretty face? Or cut your perfect body? Or cut-" Craig got kicked off of me. I looked up. It was Mysterion. He helped me up and asked. " Are you okay,did he hurt you?" I was about to say no but he walked over to Super Craig and grabbed him by his hoodie. " Listen Tucker cause I'm only gonna say this once. Keep your f#cking filthy hands off of him. If you don't I'll rip that middle finger right of your hand. Do you understand?" Mysterion asked violently. Craig nodded his head then Mysterion dropped him. I looked around. Coon And Friends were taken down. " Come on Freedom Pals,let's get back to base." Mysterion said putting one of his arms around me. We started to walk back to Token's house.

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