Chapter 7: Part 2: The Call

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You froze.

You watched as the creature in front of you uncurled its mouth, rows of teeth threatening your life.

With one swift motion, its claws wrapped around your neck and threw you to the ground. The bat tumbled out of your hand as your head hit the hard floorboards. Its grip on you was tight, restricting your screams to mere whimpers. In the background, you could hear Nancy's cries.

You struggled beneath the weight, trying anything to escape. It brought its head closer to you and slowly opened its giant mouth, rancid breath blowing onto your face. Each row of teeth brought terror to your mind.

You couldn't breathe. Rows of teeth. You couldn't breathe. Its face opened. You couldn't breathe.


Max's screams were the only thing that broke through your state.

One of the creatures pounce and you grip your bat, aiming and swinging. The nails tore into flesh, sending it flying into another. Two monsters with one bat. Another tries to knock you to the ground. You return the favour.

Breathing through the fight, you risk a glance to the bus, Steve's wide eyes staring back at you. He looked conflicted. You knew he couldn't help you.

With one more blow to a dog-like creature, you see your opportunity to run and you take it.

Steve reaches out, his hand desperate to find yours and pull you to safety. Everyone was screaming now and you ran as fast as your legs could take you, jumping over stranded pieces of metal scattered across the junkyard. You were almost there.

You felt your fingers brush against Steve's before a sharp pain sears into your shoulder.

A creature had pounced once your back was turned, claws cutting through material and meeting flesh.

Steve manages to twist around you as you scream, kicking the thing off of you and pulling you in before any more could attack.

Once the door was shut, you had no time to cry over your wounded shoulder. You and Steve had to use your bodies to keep the entrance closed and you struggled against the weight of the six creatures wanting in. The whole bus was shaking from the impact.

Another tried to break in further into the bus and you ran over to the kids, swinging the bat at it and blocking the wall with whatever you could find.

It was complete chaos.

A scream left Max's lips and you instinctively push her out of the way, staring out of the make-shift skylight as the monster opens its mouth with a roar.

"Come on asshole!" You cry, keeping the kids behind you as you laid your life on the line. If you missed the swing... you didn't want to know what would happen.

One claw forward, ready to pounce. And then nothing.

Before it even attacked, something else caught its attention. A chorus of shrieks surrounded the bus before they all pushed off and the footsteps became quieter and quieter.

With heavy breaths, you all cautiously make your way outside.

If someone was talking, you didn't hear it. There was a strange pull, a beacon in the back of your mind that was summoning you forward into the forest; to follow the creatures. It wasn't a strong feeling, but it was still lingering there nonetheless.

"No, they're going somewhere." Steve turned back to everyone and you quickly nodded in agreement despite missing the conversation.

Everyone still stood there for a moment, recollecting themselves. You see Max's hand shake slightly as she stares out into the junkyard, afraid. You try to raise your arm to comfort her until a sharp pain shot through your shoulder.

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