Chapter 13: Happy Endings...

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One month later...

December was easily your favourite time of year. Something about the buzz of Christmas and how the cold felt right just made you happy. It was almost peaceful.

After a long day of shopping for outfits and presents, you make your way home so you could start getting ready. You had volunteered for the Winter Formal at the middle school a while ago with Nancy, both promising over the summer that it would be fun just to sit and chat in nice clothing. It hurt a little to know that promise meant nothing now. You would both be there, especially since you're too polite to cancel on the school, yet you will probably end up in different corners of the room to just exchange small smiles once in a while. At least the kids would be there. Dustin was over-excited to find out you would be attending.

Letting the door swing open, you struggled with the bags as you tread fallen snow through the hallway. With a sigh, you drop the shopping and kick off your shoes. You may have gone overboard on Christmas presents this year. But, after the month you had, you figured everyone would need some kind of cheer.

You lazily flicked on the light to the living room, removing the scarf from your neck before you saw something shift in the corner of your eye. You glance over and find a figure sat in an armchair, just staring at you.

You screamed.

"Hey! Woah, calm down. It's me!"

In the time it took them to stand up and walk closer into view, you had reached around the corner to grab your trusted bat, bringing it up in front of you.

"Talk about deja-vu." He laughed and your eyes widened.

You didn't lower the bat. Billy was in your house. Billy was in your house. How did he-

He holds both his hands up in surrender, a familiar set of keys dangling from his fingers as he slowly sets them on a table. You had completely forgotten about the Halloween party, how he had swiped your keys. In all fairness, you had a lot to worry about that didn't include shitty exes.

"I'm just here to talk." He glances in your general direction and lowers his arms, shoulders slumped. He almost looked scared.

"What do you want?" You practically spat the words at him. The last time you saw him was the night he tried to attack Lucas, the night he actually attacked you and Steve. If Max hadn't stopped him, he would have killed your best friend. You did return his car, but you didn't stay long enough to even see him.

"To..." He takes a breath, finally bringing himself to look you in the eyes. "I'm sorry."

Once he says it, its like a dam was burst in his mind, allowing his true thoughts to finally escape.

"I'm sorry for everything, Y/N. I- I don't even have any excuses anymore. Everything went to shit. Everything and I don't know what happened to me."

You lower the bat and prop it against the wall within reaching distance.

"You realise an apology won't change anything, right?" You risk a step closer, "You hurt a lot of people, Billy. Innocent kids. Hell, if I weren't there- if Steve wasn't there, then you would have hurt Lucas-"

"But I-" He tries but hes not the only one in need of closure.

"And Steve, oh my god, you almost killed him. I- I don't even know why I'm talking to you right now." You raise your arms in exasperation, moving to walk away and yell at him to leave.

"I know." He follows you into the hallway, practically begging. It was more than unusual for him. "I know and I hate myself for it."

That took you by surprise. You stop, turning back to look at the boy stood just outside of the living room.

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