A Dance With The Devil

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(Author's note: This story takes place before the events of any part of my au- so Cups and Mugs aren't here yet. Yes Queen Dice is younger, but she's 20)

The Devil never liked parties.
They were far too noisy, and they seemed rather pointless like ferris wheels, they were just an excuse for couples to hook up. It really wasn't something the Devil enjoyed. She hadn't the foggiest idea as to why or how Dice had talked her into having this stupid party.

It seemed like a good idea when Dice said it would help bring in more costumers into the Casino. That is, until the Devil found herself sitting by the bar, disgusted, that very night. The sacrifice she made for this Casino- mental ones... not... not physical ones- they sometimes made her sick.

She hadn't seen one mortal that came in here go to the slot machines or play a game of poker or anything! She growled as she rounded the counter, looking for another demon-only bourbon. The only kind she liked had ran out about ten minutes ago after just one drink and she was looking for something else to try. She searched around for just some kind of drink, ducking under the bar where some of the back up bottles were.

"Hey Boss!"

She stood up, hitting her head off of the bar, making the glasses and bottles quiver from the force.

"OUCH!" She backed up and stood straight, rubbing the back of her head as she snarled at the bar counter, as if it were it's fault. "Son of a bitch..." She muttered angrily, her eyes trailing up and seeing Queen Dice.

"Did I scare you?" Queen blinked.

"No, just... Startled... I'm fine." The Devil shook her head, the pain going away almost immediately.

"Oh... Ok... That's good- Great! Uhm... Anyways, are you not enjoyin' yourself... Boss?"

"I don't like parties, Dice." The Devil sighed, rounding the bar again to sit in a stool.

"Oh... I'm sorry..."

"It's... Whatever."

"Is there anythin' I can do to help?" Dice sat in the bar stool next to her.


Queen Dice bit her lower lip, looking down to the floor. She curled a bit of her long hair around her finger. She stared at it for a moment, deciding on whether she should cut it or not. She looked up at the Devil, the demon's face grimacing into the other room. She growled a low, menacing growl- like a tiger's or a lion's, Queen Dice thought. The song playing ended and the band in the other room changed it up a bit by playing a slow song.

The Devil's face relaxed, though still frowned, but Dice did notice a small nod and tap of her foot to the slow music. Dice smiled, getting down from the stool and offering her hand to the Devil. Lucifer looked from her palm to her face, raising an eyebrow.

"What is that? An invisible quarter?"

"No." Queen chuckled. "I'm asking you to dance with me. May I have this dance?"

The Devil's cheeks and the tips of her ears turned a bright pink, her eyebrows raising as she blinked rapidly.

"Me? Oh, I can't dance."

"I've never seen you dance, how do you know?"

"I... "

"You're the oldest being I know! No offense... But... I'm sure you know all kinds of dances!"


"Come on, please? Just for this song?" Queen reached for her hand.

"No!" The Devil yelled, getting up from her bar stool and backing up away from her. "I... I can't..."

"You never learned to dance?"

"I mean- Yeah... I little... It's just been so... so long..." The Devil chuckled sadly, turning slightly away from Dice.

"Do you want me to teach you?"

The Devil shrugged, keeping her eyes glued to the ground.

"Here, Lemme show you."

Dice took her arm and pulled her away from the bar. Queen took one of Dev's hands and placed it on her hip and placed her own hand on the Devil's shoulder. She took the Devil's other hand and held it in the air, their fingers intertwined. She looked up at the Devil with a gentle smile, Lucifer's golden eyes blinking down timidly at Dice's kind, green eyes.

"Follow my lead." Dice, stepped to the right, the Devil following in tow.

The Devil looked down to their feet, trying to memorize the pattern.

Right, forward, back-


Right, forward, left, back, left-


Right, back-


She got frustrated, constantly stepping on Dices's feet. The Devil growled with every mistake her two left feet made. Queen Dice let go of her one hand, touching her chin with two fingers and raising the Devil's head to her gaze.

"Boss, keep your eyes on me. Don't think about the steps too much."

"But- I keep on stepping on your feet."

"Boss, it's fine, my mother forced me to take dance classes. Probably one of the only things from my youth that I actually enjoyed. So I got about 5 years of experience compared to you." Dice explained, chuckling.

The Devil grumbled, doing what she was told, trying not to get caught in her green eyes. Dice's smile returned as they swayed with the music. This was nice, the Devil had to admit. She much preferred the slow music as opposed to the loud music that everyone else seemed to like. She found herself enjoying herself, a small smile forming across her face as she sighed, finally willing herself to look into Dice's emerald eyes. Dice chuckled, leaning her head under the Devil's chin, her hair and cheek against Lucifer's neck and chest.

The Devil's face could've caught on fire.

She blinked quickly for a moment, about to say something, but thought against it. Instead, she leaned her head on Queen's, even smiling a bit. She closed her eyes, laughing a bit. She could've stayed there forever, dancing in that room with Queen Dice for the rest of time.

The song, unfortunately, ended, and the chaotic, noisy music started again. Dice raised her head, backing up she she held the Devil's hands.

"That wasn't so hard. You did good." Dice said.

"Yeah?" The Devil snickered awkwardly. "You think so?"

"Yep." Dice let go of her hands and hugged the Devil for a moment. The Devil blinked, returning the embrace, as if Dice wasn't just one of her workers, her lackeys... like she was-

"I'm sure Pirouette is looking for me." Dice jet go of her and began for the doorway, waving. "Bye."

"Thank you." The Devil thanked her- though she wasn't entirely sure what for- and waved back.

Queen Dice walked back into the main Casino, leaving the Devil there.

The Devil's face burning died down as a smile replaced her blush. The smile didn't even dwindle when she walked back to her office.

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