Demonic Colds

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(AN: I have no ideas but I wanted to write smth so take this fic lmao
The Devil gets a cold from Cuphead, who was sick when she tried to steal her soul (again lol) and Henchwoman and Queen Dice help her out.
[Yes I'm following the weird cartoon logic when it comes to colds with this lol]
There's little hints of both DevilDice and HenchDice in this story, (maybe even HenchDevilDice :3) you decide which is cannon to this particular story :]


Mugma'am yawned awake one morning, the house quiet that lovely morning. It was almost too quiet, though then again, Cuphead usually woke up after her.
Looking over the side of the bunk bed, she only saw Cuphead's back to her as her shallow, sleepy breath continued. She was still sound asleep, giving Mugma'am some much needed peace and quiet.

The bad thing about having to share the bunk bed was the fact that Mugsy and Cuphead were constantly fighting over the top bunk, until Elder Kettle made them switch every night. The second worse thing about the bunk bed was the rickety old ladder. Putting any weight on it would cause it to creek loudly. Still, Mugma'am tried her best— Her best wasn't very good unfortunately.

"Mugs! Would you mind keeping down?" Cuphead groaned. "I'm trying to sleep."

Mugma'am was about to tell her sister off, until she realized just how hoarse Cuphead's voice sounded.

"Cuphead? Are you ok?"

"I dunno... I don't feel too good..."

Mugma'am frowned, hurrying out the door and leaning over the staircase railing.

"ELDER KETTLE!!! CAN YOU COME HERE PLEASE?!" She yelled across the cottage, not knowing where their caretaker was.

"Not now, Mugma'am, I'm listening to my morning radio show." She heard from the living room.


"No I'm not..." Cuphead muttered from the bedroom.

"Oh my, I'll be right up, dear." The old kettle answered, standing from her chair in the living room.

A moment later, she'd checked Cuphead's temperature, and sure enough; she was sick. She had quite a fever and a bad cough and sneeze, certainly something neither Elder Kettle nor Mugma'am watched to catch.

"You'd better stay in bed today, Cuphead."

"But I'm fine! Really!" Cuphead tried to sit up, coughing. "I'm the picture of health!"

Elder Kettle's expression went deadpan as Cuphead fell back against her pillows.

"You'll feel better in no time, I promise. Nothing that a little rest can't fix." Elder Kettle covered her the rest of the way up and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Mugma'am, why don't you come with me and help make your sister a little something to help her cold?"

"Yes Elder Kettle." Mugs stood from the bed, following the old woman in tow.

After the door clicked shut, Cuphead grumbled, rolling over and crossing her arms. Though she quickly covered up, getting a little shiver from her fever.

"Stupid cold." Cuphead sniffed.


Today was the day; the day the Devil would finally get Cuphead's soul. Maybe then she could put this whole charade behind her and concentrate on gathering the rest of souls of the world. That was a her goal after all. All she had to do was get Cuphead with a sneak attack.

Striking her trident to the ground, the Devil appeared in the cottage— In the middle of the girls' room. She figured, this early, a bratty girl like Cuphead would still be sleeping.

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