Pride At It's Lowest

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(AN: The original version of this story got deleted somehow 😭😭😭
Idk how it happened, I just went to look at it because I finally had a good idea for a title. And it was gone...
It took me a month to write and it was finalized and everything, I literally just needed a title for the chapter
Anyways, I decided to rewrite it since I loved it so much.
TW: There's a lot of angst in this one but don't worry it's a happy ending
Anyways, enjoy ^^)


This couldn't have been worse.
Not in a million years.
The Devil was so close. So close. In a bet to get her comeuppance, the Devil challenged Chalice to a dancing contest, which she won fair and square. She doesn't even believe in fair contests! She cheats at just about everything she does. Realistically, the Demon Queen should have both Cuphead and Chalice's souls— And she'd take Mugma'am's too just for fun. And she would have had them. If it weren't for that bratty cup.
Cuphead knew the Devil's weakness; she could never turn down a bet. Especially one as easy as a game of rock, paper scissors. Yet, miraculously, the girl managed to beat the Devil at her own game. Now, the Devil is as heading home, empty handed. She was a pathetic shell of her former self, as she was laughed out by the crowd. All she wanted was their fear and/or admiration... And here she was with neither.

Exiting the Hellevator, Hechwoman just then seemed to acknowledge the Devil's disheartened spirit.

"Hey Boss, how about this? We get some dinner and I make a nice bath for you to enjoy after. Does that sound nice?"

"Not now, Henchwoman," The Devil replied. "I need to be alone..."

Losing the game had stooped the Devil's pride to it's lowest. She didn't ever want to show her face to the world ever again. She didn't even want Henchwoman to see her.

Disappearing into her own private quarters, the Devil stayed secluded in her room for weeks. Turning to months. She'd barely eat. Who knows how much she slept. And Henchwoman couldn't even remember the last time she'd seen her Boss smile.
Despite her efforts, the imp couldn't get the Queen of Demons out of her room. She'd even sent Stickler to her room, hoping that she'd annoy the Devil if nothing else. But not even Stickler could get the demon out of her room.

Henchwoman had lost hope. That is, until a self-proclaimed miracle came out of the Hellevator.

"Hey, hey, hey, Boss!!" Queen Dice exited the elevator.

Expecting to see her Boss on her throne, Dice stopped short.

"Where is she?"

"In her room." Henchwoman sighed, vacuuming the floor.


"Yeah... Still..."

Queen Dice frowned, placing her hands on her hips and turning her head to face the hallway to the Devil's bedroom.

"That's it, I've had enough of this." Dice huffed and began confidently walking down the hallway.

"Miss Queen Dice? W— Where are you going?" Henchwoman asked.

"To get the Boss, it's been over a month since that whole thing happened. She's gotta move on."

"That's really not a good idea, ma'am. I'm sure the Boss is in a bad mood, she probably won't want disturbed."

"How do you know?" Dice faced the imp, raising an eyebrow.

"Because... She yelled at me this morning when I tried to give her her morning tea." Henchwoman's gaze fell to the floor.

"Yep, I'm definitely getting her out of her room."

"Queen Dice, ma'am," Henchwoman hurried over to the woman, standing in her path. "I can't let you do that."

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