2. Not A Secret

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10/11/22 update: for anyone reading this since my original posting: i rewrote the first chapter a bit to better set up the rest of this fic. it's not drastically different, it just creates a better image of obi-wan and cecil as they will be written for the rest of this fic. enjoy!

ALSO this fic is actually mostly complete with just a few scenes left to write so hopefully i'll be posting on a somewhat regular schedule!



Obi-Wan sat atop the Jedi Temple, legs crossed and deep in meditation. If his eyes had been open he'd have seen the slowly fading light as it began to cast long shadows over Coruscant. This late in the year the far off edges of the great city were shrouded in smog, a glittering haze that was invisible up close.

The sounds of the Temple district were far off, the dull roar of the deep cityscape almost unnoticeable to Obi-Wan's ear. Up here it was easy to let everything else go and simply float, let the Force wash over him. The gnawing pressure of the war could almost be pushed away, so far he could barely feel the haunting tension.

Abruptly his concentration was broken, footsteps appearing before him. His eyes snapped open to find Cecil looking down at him.

"Wow, startling THE Obi-Wan Kenobi?" Cecil grinned.

Obi-Wan chuckled, "Only because I wasn't expecting anyone up here."

"You're always up here. It's not like it's a secret."

"And I thought I was being discreet about my meditation spot."

Cecil smiled, sinking to the ground in front of him and pushing forward a paper cup full of caf, "I heard a rumor there's a Council meeting later."

Obi-Wan ducked his head in thanks, "Yes, there is. But nobody has told me when."

"Rude of them, seeing as you are on the Council."

"Which means they want something from me," he said, eyes sparkling. He returned his gaze to Cecil, briefly getting distracted by the way they nearly glowed backlit by the sunset.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Cecil asked. Obi-Wan noticed the way they fidgeted with their own paper cup; the folded edge had been unrolled and rerolled into a mangled depiction of its original form.

"Nothing," he said, careful to maintain a level tone, "the sunset is just so incredible this time of year."

Obi-Wan thought he caught a smile creep across Cecil's features as they turned away, long braids swaying. He had to force himself to not stare, but even still, a stab of guilt flashed through him as the movement revealed the still pink saber burn. Nearly seven months later it still looked painful.

"It's rude to stare you know," Cecil said without looking at him.

Obi-Wan blanched, feeling like he had been doing an excellent job not staring.

Cecil turned back, this time carefully pulling the many long braids away, exposing the saber burn where it descended into their tunic. With a clearer view, Obi-Wan could tell the wound was healing, that it no longer looked nearly as painful as it had been. But it would scar. A remembrance of those terrible moments. And to think he could have stopped it-

"I know you're thinking you could have prevented it," Cecil said, their voice interrupting his thoughts.

"You know it's possible."

"But it didn't happen that way. I'll always have this wicked scar cracking me open."

"That makes it sound so dramatic," he said.

"When am I not dramatic?" Cecil asked, taking a sip of the caf and wrinkling their nose, "what does the Temple have against having good caf?"

"Everything apparently," Obi-Wan said, taking a swig of his own and making a similar face.

Abruptly, Cecil's comm crackled, "Master Palmarin, yousa needed inda council chambers."

They sighed deeply before responding, "Yeah, I'll be right down Jar Jar."

"Roger roger," his voice replied.

Not two seconds later Obi-Wan's comm went off, "Master Kenobi, yousa also needed inda Council chambers."

Cecil choked on the caf, attempting to stifle a giggle; only Jar Jar would be so bold to assume they were always together. Obi-Wan's eyebrows shot up and the humor was clear in his voice when he replied, "Will do."

"Whatsa so funny?" Jar Jar asked.

"Nothing, nothing," Obi-Wan said, trying to hide his light hearted tone.

"Iffen yousa say so," he replied, the line going silent.

"I guess they want something from me too," Cecil said with a grin.

"The rumors circling are about an undercover-ish mission," Obi-Wan started.

This time Cecil's eyebrows shot up and Obi-Wan swore he felt a leap in their Force signature, "Do you think they'd really send us on another mission together after what happened last time?"

Obi-Wan frowned, "It was not our fault Ventress showed up. And every other time we've been on stuff together we're literally unstoppable."

"That's a bit presumptuous," Cecil laughed, "Anakin is finally rubbing off on you."

He laughed too, a feeling of warmth spreading across his chest as their voices echoed across the otherwise empty rooftop, "I guess he is."

"Good," Cecil said and flashed a smile that Obi-Wan somehow felt was only meant for him.  

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