6. Reassurances

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Outside, rain came down in huge droplets. But the roar of Naboo's sudden downpour was barely audible over the hundreds of voices conversing merrily, the din almost masking the music. In the midst of it all no one paid Obi-Wan and I any notice, the two of us holding the room under observation, watching for any potential harm to Senator Amidala.

Some time ago he had taken my hand in his own and to any onlooker we looked like any other couple present. All evening I'd been watching the other couples, mimicking their behavior, watching the way they mirrored their partners, the shorter ones beginning to lean their heads on the shoulders of the taller ones as the night wore on. I followed suit, leaning into Obi-Wan's frame-

"Master Palmarin," Commander Cody's voice said suddenly, "can you weigh in on this?"

I jolted out of the memory and back into reality. The whole table was staring at me, the Jedi Council's holographic images flickering faintly, the smirk on Anakin's face poorly hidden. The war room lights of Obi-Wan's Star Destroyer were suddenly too bright, their fluorescent humming loud in my ears.

"Sorry, what?"

"Commander Cody was just asking if you thought the warlords from the Naboo meeting could be pushed for more definite support?" Anakin interjected, "Unless you have something more important on your mind you'd care to share?"

I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out at him as I answered, very intently not looking at Obi-Wan either. He sat at the head of the table, carefully observing everything being said, his face stoic, voice always calm and steady. He gave no indication that he was distracted.

As for me, I couldn't stop replaying every moment of Naboo in my head. It had been a week since we had left and we had barely spoken. The silence was loud, loud enough to gnaw anxiety into my heart. Loud enough to make my stomach twist in knots. Loud enough to let me hear the imaginary whisper that said he didn't mean anything he'd said and that he regretted it at all.

I turned the thought over and over in my head. By the time the meeting concluded, I had convinced myself we had broken our friendship and that everything was over between us.

"Well," Anakin said slamming his hands down on the table as soon as the holocomms shut off, "Snips and I have shit to do-"

"Language Anakin," Obi-Wan warned.

"We've got shit to do Master" Ahsoka repeated, a wicked grin on her face as she stood with Anakin.

"You two are hopeless," Obi-Wan said and crossed his arms. I laughed and he sent me a half-hearted glare that shot a jolt through me.

"But you love us, don't ya?" Anakin said.

"Unfortunately yes," Obi-Wan laughed, "Now scram, get off my ship."

"Yes sir," Anakin grinned, mock saluting his former Master.

"We're scramming, Master," Ahsoka giggled as she followed Anakin out.

I couldn't help but smile after them, adoring the way the three acted like family. Even Cody had a smile on his face when he stood to leave. He only nodded in farewell, ever the perfect soldier returning to his post.

As soon as his footsteps faded Obi-Wan's fingers flicked over the controls before him, closing the bridge's doors and opening the blast shields. The swath of empty space stared back at me, stars twinkling, daring me to wish upon them.

"Cecil, you're so anxious I can hear your heart beating across the room," Obi-Wan said, nearing me.

I still didn't look at him, the thoughts I'd been chasing all week roaring in my head. He leaned against the table, very close but not touching.

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