8. Goodbye Old Friend

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We were falling, both scrambling to right ourselves, but only succeeding in making the situation worse. A comically large gust of wind from a speeder had swept through the flora covered ravine, knocking us off the pathway on which we'd been walking. Obviously this happened often because the landing was soft, a gravity cushion catching us.

Breathless, Obi-Wan was hovering above me, his face inches from mine.

"Darling," he said, his tone mischievous, "we have to stop getting into such compromising situations."

"I think this is the first time this has happened," I stated, pretending not to be bothered even though I knew he could hear my heart beating out of my chest.

"Perhaps," he laughed, his eyes crinkling, "I just wanted to say that because I knew it would make you flustered."

I blushed, "Well it worked."

"So do I get to kiss you now?"

"Must you always be so polite?"

"Always darling, always," he said before pressing his lips to mine.

"If I look down there and I see two people snogging I will be absolutely livid," Anakin's voice suddenly crackled on Obi-Wan's commlink, bitterness tinging it, "Master, you're supposed to be hunting General Grievous are you not?

Obi-Wan rolled off me with a dramatic sigh. I looked over at him, giggling.

"You have lipstick on your face."

"Since when do you wear lipstick?" he said, wiping at his face.

"Since I was requested to attend a 'gala' as 'security' tonight on Coruscant's party moon" I said, my tone laced with sarcasm.

"Well fortunately," Obi-Wan said as he helped me up, "it looks like you don't have any grass stains on you."

"How fortunate," I grinned, kissing him again.

"And for me too because I can't be showing up to get rid of our favorite cyborg general with grass stains on my outfit."

"Somehow I think grass stains are the least of your problems."

"Do you know this ravine has incredible acoustics?" Anakin's voice came on my comm this time, "get your asses up here."

"I think he's annoyed with us."


Laughing over each other, we hiked up and out of the ravine to where Anakin was waiting with his arms crossed.

"You two are like younglings in the temple who've just discovered the best makeout spot."

Obi-Wan turned a dark shade of scarlet but said nothing. I doubted any other former Padawan had ever said something so snarky to their former Master and lived to tell the tale.

"And you would know that, how Anakin?" I teased.

As I had intended, Anakin also turned a bright shade of red.

"Now that we've all had our verbal accoustings out of the way, we really do have to be on our way," I said cheerily and walked off to where our speeder was waiting.

Anakin and Obi-Wan looked at each other like they were siblings who'd just been told off for arguing in public.

"Get in!" I motioned as the speeder roared to life.

The wind whipped past us, causing my braids to fly up around me and bat Anakin in the face. Obi-Wan laughed, the sound lost behind us almost before I had a chance to savor it. Anakin was trying to complain that I should be required to tie my braids back when piloting a speeder but I just flipped the speeder's receiver to blast music from one of Coruscant's lower levels, tuning into a frequency that spit out a cacophony of sounds. I mimed that I couldn't hear him and he frowned, but soon his face broke into a grin at the ridiculousness of the music.

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