Chapter 8

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Hey my beautiful readers I'm very sorry this is coming out so late, I've been busy with school and my own life. I don't plan on stopping writing tho. This is my AU I know Clint wouldn't act like this but it needs spice 🌶 🤌 because Clint is an emotional roller coaster and has a blank expression.

  Clint p.o.v

It's the day of the school dance, everyone's getting ready and I don't have anything to wear. Peitro and Wanda were in the room trying to look through my closet to look for something that was decent,"we should go shopping now and buy the clothes and just change in the bathroom." I heard peitro.

I do not want to go but Wanda and Pietro looked like they really wanted to go, and I couldn't refuse with Pietro and Wandas cute puppy eyes. So I put my shoes on walked out. Wanda and Pietro looked so happy like puppies. We walked in and started looking around for suits or something that looks good on me.

We stopped upon a nice suit, and he took it off the rack so I can put it on. We walked to where a fitting room was. After I changed and waked out all I saw was a small crowd around Wanda and Pietro. He's very popular even in school, I got a bit annoyed and grabbed his arm sand pulled him towards me.

   Pietro p.o.v

We grabbed the suit and he went inside the changing room, after a few seconds a small crowd started forming around me and Wanda. I am hot very hot but I'm taken I think. I haven't really told Clint to be my boyfriend yet. After one minute I felt someone grab my arm and pulled me close to them. I look up and saw that it was Clint and he looked pissed.

He grabbed my face and kissed me, and I of course kissed back. I opened my eye and looked at his face while we were kissing and he had a smirking expression looking at the people that were behind me. It was cute, I sadly had to let go of our kiss and buy the suit and get out of here.

After we bought the suit we were handing to our dorm so we can change to the school dance. After a while Clint started to struggle to put on a tie, I decided to help him because, boy we were going to be here all day. I was explaining how to do it and he had a tiny tint of blush and kept looking away because it looked like he was embarrassed.

  Clint p.o.v

I don't like wearing ties, their difficult to deal with and annoying, I think Pietro saw this and came over to help. I think my pride was hurt a lot and I started blushing looking away from him. He did in two minutes,"I'll teach you later on but for now we have a dance to get too." I heard Pietro say.

It's not prom so I don't need to put a flower on his suit but I don't want people asking him to dance. He seemed to be reading my mind and put a flower on my suit, he grabbed my hand and kissed me. Wanda was outside ready with Vision and I swear for a second I saw that he had a red face but Pietro kissed me before I can say anything, "Hey! Clint Pietro we should get going , stop making out, it looks like  you just saw a ghost are you ok?" I heard Wanda say. I just nodded and didn't say anything.  Clint looked at me worried and I decided that i'll tell him later.

We arrived at the enters and and had to show our tickets. It was only $20 for the tickets which was an ok price for a high school dance. There was some hot dogs and juice nothing special really, there was ice cream tho. Pietro grabbed my hands and started pulling me to the dance floor which I may say it was medium size and I can't dance even if my life depended on it. After a while my feet started to hurt and so is the rest of my body. It was supper fun for the first time because I never go with anyone or just go in general. I was looking for Wanda and Vision and heard they were outside getting touchy. I know they do this but its time to go home and find Pietro. I stopped after I heard some voices, "Did you tell Clint about our powers?" sounds like the voice of Pietro so I got closer, "No, I haven't I was planing on it but I got nervous and didn't say anyhing." Wanda said and I saw her looking down on the ground, "I know he would accept us but Wanda haven't you known him since 6 grade?" I thought I was hiding well when I felt myself being lift up and brought over.

hello! sorry to end on a cliffhanger but I like the excitement and I know I also hate cliffhangers so why would I do that to my readers. I wanna say sorry for not uploading a chapter but honestly I haven't gotten a great motivation after school started. But I am going to be back on my regular schedule posting a chapter every Friday if I can if not it's going to be posted on Saturday. I'm going to be focusing on this story more then my one-shots that I haven't forgotten and request are ending buy the end of December because I have a story-line set that doesn't use any Marval,DC, Anime, TV shows, characters anything really. My own story with my characters and my own ideas, If an Idea seems familiar to another author tell me and I will change it and apologize to the author. I will alsp be focusing on school more but that doesn't mean I haven't forgotten about writing. Hope you enjoyed the chapter see ya'll Friday or Saturday! 😊

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