Chapter 3

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Clint's p.o.v

It was the weekend and Wanda and Pietro were in the room playing Uno. Let's say Wanda is winning this game. And Pietro keeps glaring at her, it's always funny to watch. My stomach started growling meaning it was a good timing to and time to get out of the dorms. We put our shoes on and walked out.

While we were walking out some of the freshman started talking to me if I could help with the archery stand. They were explaining how they were trying to find someone to help them fix the archery stand. I looked at Wanda and Pietro and told them I would be right back, I walked with the Freshman and Wanda and Pietro was walking with me.

We were outside with a broken archer Stand. I grabbed the tool box and started fixing the stand.

  Pietro's p.o.v

Clint was fixing the stand and holly shit, he looked hot. But I bet I would've looked more hot then him. He stood up, grabbed a bow and arrow, went back to where the line was which was really far, and he shot it and it hit bullseye. It was impressive as fuck. Wanda didn't looked that impressed because she's been with him for a while but me and the freshman looked at him in awe.

Damn he looked hot I think I was drooling a bit. Anyways he finished and we started walking. I wonder if he has parents or does anything when Wanda isn't here. I think I was staring a lot because Wanda elbow and I saw Clint looking at me funny.

Clint finished and walked to us, "sorry for the wait. I'll buy some food for you guys." He started walking and we followed him. Wanda told him it was nothing but he wasn't having that.

Sorry for the long ass wait I had writers block and I got school. I'm really sorry and sorry it's short as heck I hope you enjoy and I'll see you when I can.

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