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Demi leaned up very slowing her hand shaking the closer she got to him but when she got there she laid her shaking hand on his cheek only let letting out a sob the tears rolling down her cheeks. He was real. Joe lifted his arm up pushing hers away pulling her into a tight hug. Demi hugged back crying into his chest, she didn't care that his clothes were soaking wet or that he hadn't been here for the past two years, he was here and that's all that she cared about.

"Y-You died, they found your body." Demi stammered again as she pulled away from him laying her hands on his cheeks again able to feel the beads of water dripping down from his hair onto her hands. Demi couldn't believe it. She must be dreaming.

"I did? I don't remember anything." Joe stated Demi raising her eyebrow bringing her hands down holding onto his. She didn't care at the moment, she just knew she had him back and that she needed to get him out of the wet clothes and warm before he got sick.

"Let's get you warm." Demi breathed holding his hand as they both made it into the house. Joe looked around not recognising the house, Demi moved not long after the accident wanting to get away from the memories. She moved closer to her parents house where she had more support, it was closer to the Jonas house as well. Joe's eyes landed on a picture on the wall, it was a boy who he knew was his son but he looked older than he should be. He should only be a baby but he will admit that Demi looked older than he remembered.

"Demi did I die?" Joe questioned as he stopped them both, Demi turned around to look at him. She couldn't believe it was him. He was wearing the same clothes on the day of the accident but they still looked brand new just wet, not as if he had been trying to survive the past two years.

"Joe it's not possible if your here now." Demi demanded Joe sighing nodding his head allowing her to continue leading him upstairs.   

Demi was laid on her bed later on that night, Joe was laid beside her sleeping clearly shattered. She was laid on her side facing Joe who was now bathed and changed into some clean and dry clothes. He was warm wrapped up in the duvet. She had her hand on his cheek caressing it gently with her thumb. She couldn't stop looking at him, not believing that it was really him. However she couldn't stop thinking about her daughter who should be six by now, where is she if she was with her dad when she supposedly died. She had loads of questions to ask him but didn't want to overwhelm him. Demi soon fell asleep deep in thoughts laid next to the man she never stopped loving.

Demi woke up the next morning around seven on her own command. She looked to her side sighing when she didn't see Joe laid next to her but it was clear that someone had been sleeping on the other side of the bed. She let herself wake up a little more before swinging her legs over the side of the bed standing up, she wondered into the room opposite hers seeing Adam was still sleeping peacefully. She left him to sleep wondering downstairs the closer she got the more able she was to hear the radio, it brought a smile to her face when she heard Joe singing along like he use to. She didn't see how this man could be her Joe but she couldn't deny how much he was like him. She entered the kitchen seeing Joe cooking at the stove but could see loads of mess around the whole kitchen.

"Joseph are you eating everything I have in?" Demi questioned only then Joe looked up from the pan at her but then looked back down not wanting to burn his pancake.

"I'm hungry." He shrugged his shoulders.

"We really need to talk." Demi stated.

"I have nothing to say." Joe stated sliding the pancake onto the plate sitting up at the counter adding loads of syrup and sugar until Demi stopped him.

"You love sports Joe, eating loads of crap isn't gonna help that." Joe gazed up to Demi's eyes allowing her to take the sugar from his hands but he looked away

beginning to eat again.


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