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TW: death (I'm so sorry)
I sat in my office chair, thinking about the encounter I had with Austen. After researching the dynamics of their relationship. He was far from a dom, more like a guy who tricks women into signing contracts so he can get away with abusing them. There has to be a reason why he has held on to her for so long. I started remembering her from high school, thinking back i might have judged her to harshly. I had Sakura get ahold of an old yearbook from when her and I went to school. As i was going through them i specifically looked for her. Wow I'm an asshole, she was nothing like the other rich kids. She was in lots of clubs, from dance to agriculture to volunteer work with veterans, she was captain of the dance team, she worked with the underclass men with their studies, she fought against bullying. Hmm.
"Sensei." Says a husk voice
I look up and see an old friend.
"What can i do for you Iruka?" I asked.
"Guy Sensei said you needed something Sakura couldn't get and i think i found out why Austen targeted her specifically." He answered.
"Show me what you got." I answered.
He hands me a file with a police report. I take a look at it.
"Before Ever entered her freshman year of college, she was dating this guy Caleb. They were dance partners, they had been dating since high school and decided to go out with friends well Caleb and Ever were driving back to the dorms when Caleb and her got in accident." He answered.
"Okay doesn't make sense why did Austen target her." I asked.
"I'm getting there. Caleb died on impact, Ever was luckily enough that she received minor injuries. Well she was a broken mess, his frat brothers did everything to make sure she didn't feel alone, Especially Austen." He answered.
"What caused the accident." I asked.
"It was a hit and run" he answered.
"This explains why she decided to study abroad to get away from everything. She was broken and he acted like her hero just so he can fix her and break her into his submission!" I shouted as i punched my fist into my desk.
"Kakashi? Why are you so invested? Don't you always say never let your emotions dictate an assignment" he asked.
"Let's just I have some regrets from my high school days." I answered.
I struggled to put the dress on without feeling pain, i had to zip and i couldn't ask for help otherwise people would see the welts and bruises, that couldn't happen because it was against the rules. Ugh come on!!! I reached up and down trying to get the zipper but no matter which way I moved my arm i couldn't get the zipper without causing myself pain.
"Ow ow." I screamed softly. Suddenly there was a knock on my door. I walk over to my door and answer. I see Kakashi at my door he has his hand behind his neck there was a couple men next to him both I've never meet before.
"Good Evening Miss. I came to check on you making sure you were doing okay." He said seriousl.
"Hey Kakashi, what's with the formalities. I told you to call me Ever." I replied.
"Sorry old habits. I wanted to introduce you to some of my staff that's going be apart of your new security team this is Iruka and this is Guy." He replied.
"Nice to meet you both. I shake your hands but they are full at the moment." I replied as i tighten my dress with my hands trying my hardest to keep my composure.
"Miss do you mind if we take a look at the balcony from this side just so we can get an idea of a wider perimeter." Asked Iruka
"Uhm sure, but please i don't like formalities just call me Ever." I answered.
Iruka and Guy both nod and head over to the balcony. Kakashi has an annoyed expression on his face.
"Is everything okay sarge?"I asked.
"Hey hey what happened to calling me Kakashi." He replied.
"Sorry i figured that's what you wanted since you called me miss." I answered.
"How's everything going.?" He asked.
"Looks good boss, we got a good idea of the area. We are going to take a look for what else we might need tonight" says Iruka.
They leave my room and it's just me and Kakashi standing there.
"I better finish getting ready." I smile trying to hold my composure.
"Right of course actually i was wondering if you had the second book of the Icha Icha paradise series" he asked.
"Uhm yeah." I smile he liked it most guys hate it they say it's to lovey dovey, Caleb used tease me all time. I feel my eyes start to water. It had been a couple years since i thought about him. Kakashi clearing his throat breaks my concentration.
"Do you mind if i borrow it? I would really like to see what happens next." He asked.
"Uhm yeah let me grab it." I replied as i turned around still holding my dress tight to my body, wincing quietly as i go to my book collection to grab it. I grab the bright red book cover, and walk back towards Kakashi.
"Here. I think you are really going to like this one" i reply handing him the book with a shakey hand, please take it and leave so i Can finish getting ready i can't take this pain from the position I'm in. I'm holding the dress tightly to my body so it doesn't fall. I choose this dress because the fabric didn't irritate my welts or bruises.
"Uhm Ever let me get that zipper for you okay i promise to be the perfect gentleman." He says as he holds his hands up.
"Hmm i don't know if that would be okay." I replied.
"I'll be quick plus i can i close my eyes if you want." He answered.
"Okay be quick and close your eyes okay." I answered as i turned around. I felt his strong hand on my waist, while the other one grabbed the zipper and pulled up with ease. I held in a wince as he zipped me up. Feeling his hand on my waist i felt this warm sensation, my stomach was fluttery and oh my gosh his touch was so gentle. I blushed as i turned around and handed him the book.
"Thank you." I smile.
"Anytime Mis... I mean Ever." He replied as he took the book and headed back to his office.

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