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I sat in the hospital for what seems like hours...when police were in my room.
"Hello Miss. Stone I'm Dectictive Tsunade and this is my partner Dectictive Jiryia uhm we received a call stating that you were assaulted by your partner out there." She says as she points to Kakashi who is being surrounded by two other police officers.
"He didn't do anything" I pleaded.
"Miss. Stone your clearly being abused." Says the Dectictive Jiryia.
"Kakashi didn't do anything he is my bodyguard now get out of my room please." I said with a hint anger in my voice.
"Miss. Stone please we understand this might be difficult to talk about." Says Dectictive Tsunade.
"There is nothing to talk about, I dance and do extreme work outs which explains my bruises. I'm not being abused I'm perfectly safe at home. So please get out." I shouted. The dectives leave my room and the nurses do one more set of vitals before I am discharged. As i get dressed in my normal clothes and out of the hospital gown i exit my room and head for the nearest exit.
"Wait Ever I'll take you home" says Kakashi who's voice stops me in my tracks.
"Don't.....I have to fix this situation with Austen you don't understand the pull he has with people." I said with some fear in my voice.
"Ever as your bodyguard i cant allow you to see him. You seeing him puts you in danger and it's my job to protect you" says Kakashi.
"No it is your job to make sure i don't get kidnapped, it is your job to make sure to keep an eye on me, and it is your job to do what I say. Not tell me what to do! Know your job description and do not dictate my life!" I yelled and i stormed off texting Austen asking him to come pick me up immediately.
I watched her walk away and leave the hospital as I was about to go after her when I got stopped by a couple detectives.
"Mr. Hatake can we take up a moment of your time" says the female detective.
"Of course detectives just give me a moment to up date my team" I replied as I texted the team a quick response about where Ever was currently heading.
"Alright detective what can I do for you." I said.
"Watch your tone kid." Says the male detective.
"Excuse my partner Mr. Hatake. Let's try this again I'm Detective Tsunade and this is my partner Detective Jiryia, look we were called because it seems your client is being abused but when we went to talk to her she denied it." Says detective Tsunade.
"She won't give you up you piece of....
"Detective Jiryia go take a walk." Says Tsunade.
"I understand his frustration though" I said trying to hide the anger in my voice.
"Just a couple questions about your client." Says Tsunade.
"I'll do my best to help you detective" i answered
"Where did she get those marks" she asked.
"I cant say because even I'm not sure." I lied.
"How long have you been her body gaurd?" Asked the detective.
"Since this morning." I answered.
"Well here's my card if you can think of anything please let me know" she says.
"Of course detective" i answered. As the dective left I rushed to go find Ever.
I called my team quickly.
"What's up boss" says Sakura
"Where is Ever did she come back to her place." I asked worriedly.
"She isn't here, and i cant trace her...her phone is shut off." Says Sakura.
"Find her last known location now." I said urgently. After she hangs up i use the communication devices and connect to Naruto and Sasuke.
"Naruto and Sasuke look into those frat brothers see if they know anything about Austen. Do what you have to get information out of them." I said quickly.
"On it!" They both answered.
I got in my SUV and  started my search alright Kakashi think you know she loves music and dance. You know Austen wanted to take her to a party tonight. I'm going to find you Ever I promise. My phone rings suddenly.
"Kakashi Hatake." I said quickly.
"Sarge....." says the voice.
"Ever where are you." I asked as i pulled over putting her on speaker i text Sakura to trace the call.
"I'm safe....look I'll be home tomorrow morning don't worry about me i already called my folks." Says Ever.
Even though her voice sounded calm i Can sense that she was nervous.
"Ever just tell me where you are so i know your safe," i said worriedly.
"I got to go." She said quickly. The call ends. And Sakura sends a somewhat location it's not an exact location but it's a start.
I drive to where she might be as i pull up to some wear houses i notice Naruto having some guy pinned up to a wall.
"Naruto what's going on? Where's Sasuke?" I asked.
"This guy won't tell me anything and Sasuke is checking the area for this under ground party and how to get in" says Naruto.
"Good job go help Sasuke I'll take it from here." I say as i take the guy into my hands.
Naruto leaves.
"Alright what's your name." I ask.
"Screw you freak." He says angrily.
I slam him into a wall hard.
"Listen up all i want is information on this girl" i say as i show him Evers picture.
"I'm not saying anything about her!" He sneered.
"She is in danger now answer me!" I yelled
The guy sighs as i tighten my grip around his neck.
"She is in the warehouse on the end." he says
"Thank you" i say as i release hun from my grip.

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