Tears and Screams.

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I could hear her stopping herself from crying, as her mother entered her room. As her mother left the room, i heard her shuffle in her bed and as if she couldn't hold it in anymore i heard a muffled cry scream. Damn it. As i was about to leave my office when my phone rang.
"What do you got" i asked harshly.
"Kakashi this guy Austen is a real piece of work, like a real piece of....
" get on with it Sakura!" I said annoyed.
"Apparently Ever isn't his first sub. He usually gets bored with them after about five months. She has been with him for about two years. Here's the crazy part his other subs won't come forward and talk apparently he had them
sign a non discloser agreement" she explained.
"Damn can you hack into his....
"Already done i emailed you over a Evers file from his records and sir i must warn you her file is really disturbing" says Sakura
I grab the back of my neck.....damn that explains why she was so willing to listen, she knew the difference between being in danger and not being in danger.
"Sir?"says Sakura
"Sorry what else do you have?" I asked.
"Well i also looked into Evers old head of security bank records. Austen was paying him and his men a hefty amount to look the other way." She explained.
"Tsk. It's one thing to be stupid. It's another thing to turn your back on people you are supposed to protect. What's the status of Naruto and Sasuke getting here" I replied.
"They should be there already." She answered.
As if they knew they were being talked about there is arguing outside my office door.
"Come on Sasuke if you would of went the way told you we would've been here!" Shouted Naruto.
"Shut up police drop out!" Shouted Sasuke.
I place my phone on the desk and walked to the door. I open the door and drag both of them in by their ears.
"Ow ow ow" they both screamed.
"Will you two knuckleheads knock it off we are here for work now knock it off." I said sternly still holding their ears tightly.
"Boss this really hurts" says Naruto who trying to free himself.
"Would you rather i smack you both instead" i asked.
"No no we will be good" they both replied.
"Good now listen up, this job is going to take up a lot my time and i need your help making sure she is safe." I explained.
I explained why we were there and Sakura filled in some of the blanks i missed. Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other before looking at me.
"So basically we are here as body guards for a spoiled rich kid." Asked Naruto.
I walked over to him and give the top of his head a smack.
"She is a young woman who is trapped in a world where she can't break free from" i answered.
"Boss so what do we do about the Austen situation?" Asked Sasuke.
"Sasuke that's where i need you and Sakura help dig deeper into the ex subs there has to be at least one who didn't sign this garbage of a contract." I said.
"On it." Sasuke answers as he leaves the office
"I'll keep hacking boss." Says Sakura as she hangs up.
"What about me!" I shouted Naruto.
"You are going to help me here." I replied.
"But i Can do more come on boss!" He argued
"Naruto i need you plus if you bothered to read her file you would saw she is the heiress to Ichiraku Ramen." I answered before sitting down at the computer.
"So what should i do then?" He asked.
"Do a walk through familiarize your self with the house see if you can find any secret exits that don't show up on the blueprints. Do not check her music area on the third floor and do not go in her room got it." I said as i opened the file.
"Yes sir." He walked out of the office.
Finally a moments of piece. As i was going through the file Sakura sent me, i felt her pain she endured.
I could here arguing walk pass my room, decided to ignore it i slowly got up and walked to my dark vanity. I looked at the dress options. Ugh i don't want to go to this event. I went with the simple black dress with long sleeves, this way i Can get away with a red lipstick to cover up my busted lip . I slowly removed my clothes i could feel my self feeling the urge to scream. Mhmm maybe another shower will make me feel better. I wrap myself in a towel and grabbed my speaker and headed to my shower. As i was walking towards the shower i could her my mom going over the final check list, dad yelling at my brother about the buisness trips. I entered the bathroom i set up my speaker and turn the water on to the hot as. I could stand it i waited for a moment before entering, the water hits my skin, the heat doesn't bother me anymore. I can feel the hot water hit the welts, the water glinding over my bruises. With my music and water drowning out any other sounds i sink down onto the shower floor the water hitting the top of my head and tears falling down my face. Please make this go away please i can't take it anymore.

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