The Bribe

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I felt the water become ice cold,crap i did it again. I get out of the shower carefull drying myself off. My body ached, the welts were more swollen after the shower. I used a T-shirt that i kept in the bathroom to wrap my wet hair in, picking up my speaker and phone i head back into my room, i had myself wrapped in a towel tightly. I was scrolling through my phone, that i didn't notice someone walking in front of me. Suddenly i felt my body crash into someone i dropped my phone and speaker and my towel became loose. I looked up to see a young man with yellow hair and a bright red faced.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Ugh! Sensei!" He screamed.
"Naruto i swear i never......
I suddenly feel my body get wrapped in light jacket and being pulled to my feet and pulled against someone's chest. I look up and see Kakashi his eyes avoiding me as he helped cover me back up.
"Naruto go in the office now." Kakashi said with a chuckle.
"Sorry sorry!" He replied as he ran into the office.
I laughed softly.
"You know you really have to stop bumping into people." He chuckled.
"Thank you for covering me up i appreciate it. Uhm you can let go now." I replied.
"Right." He answered as he let me go his eyes still avoiding mine. I take off his jacket after readjusting my towel and hand it back to him.
"Thank you." I smiled as i walk into my room.
I close my door and slide down to the floor, it happened again, the sensation of butterflies in my stomach, the feeling of security and safety.
As she walked away i had my jacket in my hand and threw it over my shoulder, catching the smell of peaches hmm, well that's a weird sensation i feel. I must be hungry i haven't really eaten since this morning. I walk back in my office to Naruto
covering his bright red face.
"Sensei I'm so sorry i didn't look i promise." He exclaimed.
"Naruto shh." I said as i covered his mouth. I heard someone banging on her door.
"Ever! Open up!" The voice shouted.
I walk over to the wall of my office and listened to see what was going to happen. I gave Naruto the sign to be outside her balcony. I sent an older military buddy of mine a text for back up. I send a message to Sakura and Sasuke telling them to get back here quickly. I listened as she told the voice to hold on. I hear her open her door and the door slam shut. Damn it i should've put a mic in her room they are speaking way to soft. I look around the room i spot a vent. Mhmm i could probably fit in there if i remove some items. I quickly took off some equipment and my T-shirt and hoped into vent.
"Austen you need to leave seriously, this is a buisness dinner." I heard Ever speak softly.
"I am here on buisness kitten, last i checked you are supposed to be on your knees when you speak to me" he sneered.
"Please not here I have to finish getting ready." She said.
"Well then get to it and remember if i catch you with that bodyguard again. I'll punish you so bad you'll never be able to come home for a month got it" he sneered as he walked out of the room closing the door behind him. What an asshole! Suddenly there is a knock on my door and I quickly hop out of the vent and get into a push up postion i do a few push ups before answering.
"Come in" i said
"You must be my fiancés new bodyguard, hmm you seem to worry about working out then focusing on her safety," he smirked.
"What can i do for you sir." I answered as i got off the ground.
"I have a propsal for you is all. How much is it going to cost me to have you look the other way. I have needs, and Ever has to meet those needs according to the schedule." He answered.
"It's going to cost you nothing because I won't do it. I don't know what you have on her, or what you did to her to break her but I am going to make sure you never hurt her again not while I'm here. Now leave." I said calmly.
"Big mistake, guess we'll have to do this another way." He smirked.
"I'm giving you an option to leave my office willingly." I said calmly as i crossed my arms
"She will never be with you or anyone else, i own her body, and mind." He smirked as he left my of my office. Cocky bastard. I called everyone back in my office and we went over a better safety plan then i had orginally came up with.

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