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Let me out of here. Let me out... wait, I can think again...? Oh. It's just a dream. This feels so real... I wish I could float around like this in real life. This really is a dream! Huh, I wonder how past me is doing defending against the French in Barrouallie. WAIT- PAST ME! I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THEM! Come on Vince- wake up already. They need you... especially when the Brits successfully colonize you in a few years. WAIT- THE BRITS WHAT? How... how do I suddenly remember...? Is it this state of mind that makes me remember...? Why can't I remember normally... Can I only remember the past in a life or death situation? Isn't my entire life a life or death situation? ISN'T JUST EXISTING A LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION? I don't have a military. I can't defend myself if anyone tries to colonize. It's impossible. Why do I even try... they're always going to win, and I'll never be free of them. I'm so dead when I get back to the present- uhh, the future- for scaring my family... Maybe... maybe I'm already dead. Maybe these thoughts are what I'm trapped with for all eternity. Is this what death feels like... alone, in a dark, pitch black room, with only your thoughts to accompany you. I'll slowly go insane up here without anyone. Or down here, or east here, or west here, who knows where I am... direction only exists when there's something to have a direction from. There's nothing here. Just an endless void. No one to speak to, nothing to do, no way to talk.

I'm alone.

And I'll always be alone.

Alone, and trapped in my own mind.

No one can save me anymore.

But it's ok. 

Vince always comes back.


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