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-Authors Note-

Testing, testing, is this keyboard on? Hey! It is! Hello, I'm Onion, and I will be your writer for this story! Thank you so much for coming to this (hopefully) amazing story! Before you start reading, get ready for some epic stuff. Alright, I won't bore you anymore, let's get into the story!!!

P.S. St. Vincent and the Grenadines will be referred to as St. Vincent, SVG or Vincy/Vince during this story at most times. 

St. Vincent will be using they/them pronouns <3


St. Vincent was excited, as their Independence Day celebration was coming up in a week. Sure, they had to clean out their attic for it, but they knew it was worth it. St. Vincent wanted it to be great. 43 years of being independent. Forty-three. Even though Independence wasn't really when St. Vincent first EXISTED, it sure felt like it. St. Vincent didn't really remember anything from before independence. Every other country remembered the days before independence, but they never talked about it. At least to St. Vincent's knowledge. For all they knew, they could have a Pre-Independence Alliance or something.

Nah. St. Vincent thought. I'm being silly. That doesn't even exist.

St. Vincent chuckled to themself at the thought of a Pre-Independence Alliance as they continued to go through boxes in their attic. A weird, old-fashioned device with the United Kingdom's flag on it fell out of one of the boxes.

"A telephone? Huh, I thought I got rid of all of mine."

St. Vincent looked closer at the Union Jack and shook at the thought of the UK.

"Why the hell am I shaking? It's only the UK. He can't hurt..."

St. Vincent stopped.

The UK can't hurt me. He's a country, j...just like me... Why the hell did I stop?

A distant and faded memory of the UK ran through St. Vincent's head as they thought this. It was something to do with... France. And a war. A war that the French lost. But then the British took over. Took over what? What did they take over?

UGH!!! WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER ANYTHING? No. Calm down Vince. You're fine. Why am I getting so mad right now..? Surely if I can't remember it, it's probably not important.

He examined the telephone more closely and wiped the dust off of it. When he wiped the UK's flag, he saw words in almost invisible ink that said Remember.

Pfft, I'm seeing things. Being up here in this attic for so long is messing with my head-

As St. Vincent's finger moved slowly across the Union Jack, he remembered something. It was the year 1719.

Wow, what is wrong with my head right now? Random years, random wars, seeing words...

He examined the word on the UK's flag again.


Nothing happened.


Nothing happened again.


And then it went dark. And when St. Vincent woke up, it was like they were in a different world. They were lying on the floor, and a country they couldn't recognize was staring down at them, looking a bit worried.

"H...hello?" St. Vincent said.

"Oh thank goodness, I thought you were dead-" the other country sighed, reaching out their hand to help St. Vincent up.

"Hold on. What... what year is it?" St. Vincent asked, grabbing their hand.



-Authors Note/End Of Chapter-

THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE LONGER, I PROMISE- But seriously, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

1719 moment am I right-

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