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"What's... what's that noise Vince?"

I know it's France... but... but why now? Why here... I don't remember what happened anymore. This stupid problem of mine... I can protect myself. I can change the future and make things better for me. But of course I can't remember a single thing. Why is this so hard? Can I not remember just this once? Come on... please...


"Sorry, I spaced out a bit-"

The two heard the wheels of a tank rolling on the ground, causing tracks of dirt to follow. They didn't know what to tell the younger country. They didn't want to scare their past self, they knew they would feel the pain and it would be too much to handle, especially with France coming to colonize them, it wasn't going to be pretty.

"MOVE, MOVE, MOVE! COME ON SOLDIERS, THIS IS A SMALL ISLAND COUNTRY! WE ARE A BIG EUROPEAN COUNTRY! DO NOT GIVE IN TO FEAR!" France shouted from her tank. She was coming to colonize. Vince knew that much. But they didn't know HOW France would colonize.

"What am I supposed to do?! What am I supposed to do?! I can't defend myself! I don't have a military like the French! I don't have an army! I just have angry people with spears! France has trained professionals with tanks! I- I can't win!" Past St. Vincent said in a panic.

They can't win. I- I need to warn them that they- that WE- can't win... there's no way. They're right. France has tanks, we have angry men with spears. I... I've lost. The next 260 years will be full of pain and suffering for my- our- people. We can't win. It's over. Vince thought, as the tank noise grew closer and closer. The French were heading for somewhere- but Vince couldn't remember where. Vince thought to themself. COME ON STUPID BRAIN! I NEED TO REMEMBER! THIS IS THE ONLY WAY I CAN DEFEND MY COUNTRY! I COULD END THIS SUFFERING! ALL OF THE SUFFERING..! Oh who am I kidding. We can't win.There's no way we can. I'm sorry. We can't.

"V-Vince! Vince! VINCE!" past St. Vincent called out. Vince was in tears. They couldn't stop crying.

"S-sorry..." Vince said, trying to wipe their tears off of their face. "I'm so sorry..."

"Vince- what's wrong..?"

"France is going to win. They're... they're going to invade... somewhere..."


Vince paused.

"I'm so sorry..."

"Vince please- I- WE- need the information... We can defend our country! We can stop colonization from happening Vince! So just please Vince... I need to know where..."

"I... I can't remember."


"I can't rem-"

Vince was cut off by the sound of an explosion coming from the western side of the island. France had fired. France was starting to colonize.

"BARROUALLIE!!!" past St. Vincent shouted. "COME ON VINCE, WE NEED TO GET GOING!"

Past St. Vincent grabbed Vince by the arm and started running to where France was standing.

Barrouallie... if only I had remembered... we could have at least had a chance... it's my fault... I'm so sorry... I... I'm a failure. 

And those were the last thoughts that came to Vince before everything went black. 

Authors Note/End Of Chapter—————————————————————————————————————————————-

OH MY GOSH- I LOVE THIS CHAPTER- I had so much fun writing this chapter and seeing my country suffer hehe- next chapter will be great too- I have so many ideas for the next one so it might be one of the best chapters so far!

Bye and see you in the next one ❤️

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