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*Mystic Falls High,Tyler is walking out to his car.*
Tyler: All right, later, man.
Man: See you, bro!(Tyler gets in his car. Vicki is there.)
Vicki: Hi, Ty.
Tyler: Whoa, Vicki? Everyone's looking for you!
Vicki: I know.
Tyler: What's wrong, Vick?
Vicki: I'm so cold.
Tyler: You're on drugs!? Everyone thinks you're off on a bender.
Vicki: (whispers) I wish.
Tyler: What happened in those woods, Vicki? Those kids that were killed. What did you see?
Vicki: I'm so scared.
Tyler: Come here. It's okay. I'll take you home.
Vicki: I can't control it.
Tyler: Control what?
Vicki: I am so hungry, Ty. And it won't go away.
Tyler: What are you on? What drugs did you take?
Vicki: I want it. I am so hungry, Ty.
Tyler: Okay look, I'll get you something to eat. Just sit back. Look, let's just get you home, okay? Whoa! Vicki! what is wrong with you?!(Vicki attacks Tyler. Stefan pulls her off of him in time.)
Vicki: Aah! Let go of me!(Damon appears.)
Tyler: What's going on here, Stefan? What's wrong with her?
Damon: You don't talk.
Tyler: Screw you, dude.
Damon: "Dude"? Really? "Dude"?
Stefan: Damon, don't!
Damon: Oh come on. Who's gonna miss this idiot?(Tyler hits Damon.)
Vicki: Ooh! Don't you hurt him.(Damon grabs Tyler by the throat and compels him.)
Damon: Forget what you saw here tonight. None of us were here.(He throws Tyler. Tyler gets up and all of them are gone.)

*Gilbert Residence,Elena wakes up and goes into the bathroom.*
Elena: Sorry.
Jeremy: Oh, no, it's cool, I'm done.
Elena: You're up early. Where are you going?
Jeremy: Police station. They're organizing the search party for Vicki, so...
Elena: Wait. Shouldn't you be going to school?
Jeremy: What? You're kidding me, right?
Elena: You shouldn't skip school. If they find her, we'll know. That's what cellphones are for.
Jeremy: Yeah, your lips keep movin'. I don't know why and besides, Aria already left to look for her as well.
Elena: she what?!

*Mystic Falls High,Matt's phone rings.*
Matt: Yeah?
Vicki: Matty?
Matt: Vicki, where are you? Are you okay?
Vicki: Yeah. I'm okay.
Matt: Tell me where you are, and I'll come get you.
Vicki: No. Matty, I just need some time to figure things out. Just know that I am okay, okay? Please don't worry about me.(She hangs up on him.)

*Salvatore Boarding House*
Vicki: I don't understand why I have to stay cooped up here. Why can't I just go home?
Stefan: Because you're changing, Vicki, and it's not something you wanna do alone.
Damon: There's nothin' about that Logan guy I killed in here. Not a word. Someone's covering it up.
Aria:(opens the door and then closes it) I agree with your theory, and that is because he is a vampire hunter. A newbie one to be—oof!(vicki suddenly tackles her to the ground)
Vicki: Aria! I miss you Babe!(she starts kissing her and then suddenly she goes towards her neck and goes to attack her when Stefan pulls Vicki off of her in time)
Stefan:you really shouldn't be near her when you can't control your hunger yet.
Aria: Thanks Stefan but I would have been fine,I was going to push her off when you pulled her off and don't kiss me Vic.
Vicki:What is that?
Damon: This is a very special, very old compass. What was Logan Fell doing with it? Aren't you curious?
Stefan: Well, if you're so worried that somebody's onto you, why don't you just leave town, Damon?
Damon: We should all be worried.
Aria: that's Jeremy's Watch! That scum took it!
Damon: this is yours! What was it doing with Logan?
Aria: that is what I want to know,I want to know why that scum bucket had it.
Vicki: Hey, um, I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat?
Stefan: Here.(Stefan hands her a cup.)
Vicki: What is it?
Stefan: It's what you're craving.
Damon: Heh. Don't lie to the girl. It's so not what you're craving, but it'll do in a pinch, right, Stef?
Vicki: What is it?
Damon: Yeah, what is it? Is it a skunk? Saint Bernard? Bambi?
Aria: it better not be Bambi Stefan.
Stefan: it's not,Go on. Give it a try.
Damon: She's new. She needs people's blood. She can't sustain on that stuff.
Vicki: Yeah, why can't I have people blood?
Damon: Yeah.
Stefan: Because it's wrong to pray on innocent people, Vicki.
Aria: exactly, you need to control yourself.
Damon: You don't have to kill to feed. Just find someone really tasty and then erase their memory after wards. It's so easy.
Stefan: No, no, no. There's no guarantee that you can control yourself, okay? It takes years to learn that. You could easily kill somebody, and then you have to carry that with you for the rest of your life, which, if I haven't made clear, is eternity.
Damon: Don't listen to him. He walks on a moral plane way out of our eye line. I say snatch, eat, erase.
Stefan: Hey, look at me. We choose our own path. Our values and our actions, they define who we are.
Damon: Okay, count deepak. I am outta here.
Vicki: Can I have some more?(Damon goes downstairs, the door bell rings. Damon answers it, Elena is there.)
Elena: Are Stefan and Aria here?
Damon: Yep!
Elena: Where are they?
Damon: And good morning to you, little miss " I'm on a mission".
Elena: How can you be so arrogant and glib after everything that you've done?
Damon: And how can you be so brave and stupid to call a vampire arrogant and glib?
Elena: If you wanted me dead, I'd be dead.
Damon: Yes, you would.
Elena: But I'm not.
Damon: Yet.
Aria:Damon! you better not be threatening my sister!
Elena: Where are they?
Damon: upstairs singing "The rain in Spain". Knock yourself out.(Damon leaves. Elena closes the door and walks down the hall.)
Elena: Stefan?Aria? Stefan?
Stefan: Yes.
Aria: sup.
Elena: Where is Vicki?
Stefan: She's upstairs.
Elena: What happens now? Because our brother is out there searching for her with the rest of the town. What do I tell him?
Aria: yeah, I know,I ran into him this morning.
Stefan: We are working with her, but it's gonna take time. She's a very volatile and impulsive personality. She's a drug user. I mean, all that's gonna play a part in how she responds to this.
Elena: So, she's a vampire with issues? What am I supposed to do? Because I'm lying to everyone that I care about. What's gonna happen to her?
Stefan: I'm gonna keep her here with me until I know that she's safe.
Vicki: How long is that?
Stefan: We can talk about that later.
Elena: Hey, Vicki, How are you?
Vicki: How am I? You're kidding, right?
Aria: Vicki, she was trying to be nice.

Vampire Diaries (Aria Gilbert )Where stories live. Discover now