As I lay dying

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*Gilbert Residence,Elena looks at Jeremy. He's asleep. Then she goes to Aria's room and sees that she is also asleep,she goes in Jenna's bedroom and sees that is was empty,she looks confused and goes to leave when she suddenly bumped into Jenna*
Elena: Sorry!
Jenna: No, I'm sorry.
Elena: I just wanted to check on you and saw that it was empty so...
Jenna: oh,will I got a little hungry,still not used to the vampire thing.
Elena: don't worry,you'll get there.Good night(she leaves Jenna's room and Damon's there.)
Damon:She learned you knew that.
Elena: What do you want?
Damon: I want to apologize.
Elena: Damon...
Damon: Please. Elena, feeding you my blood, I was wrong.
Elena: Yes, you were.
Damon: And I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but...I need it.
Elena: And I need some time, maybe a lot of time.
Damon: Sure. Of course, take all the time you need.(he leaves)

*Salvatore Boarding House,Damon takes a bottle of scotch from the cabinet and pours himself a drink. He opens the curtains, lets the sun shine upon his face, drinks some scotch and puts the glass down on a table. He returns to the window, takes off his ring and drops it on the floor. He opens his arms and his skin burns but Stefan arrives and pushes him out of the sunlight.*
Damon: Get off of me.
Stefan: You're not doing this.
Damon: Just did. You know what happened to Rose, Stefan.(Stefan uses his super speed and throws him in the cellar.)
Stefan: I don't care. You're not dying today.(Stefan closes the door and locks it. He looks at Damon through the bars in the door. Damon remains on the floor but turns to look at him.)
Damon: What's the plan, Superman?
Stefan: I'm gonna find a way out of this.
Damon: Oh, right. A miracle cure. Good luck with that one.
Stefan: I got Bonnie looking for something, anything and Aria is also helping.
Damon: Always the hero, Stefan. Just tell me good-bye, get it over with.(He starts coughing and rolls onto his stomach. He coughs up some blood on his hand.)
Stefan: Lie still. Conserve your strength.(He leaves.)

*Woods,Klaus wakes up naked in the forest. He looks at the sun and smiles. Someone throws him some clothes. He turns his head. Elijah's there.*
Elijah: You've been busy.
Klaus: That was amazing. How long has it been?
Elijah: Almost 2 days. Full moon came and went. You remained a wolf.(Klaus gets dressed.)
Klaus: I can change at will, then. It's good to know. I remember every single kill.
Elijah: Yes, I've been cleaning up your little mess along the way.
Klaus: Just like old times, brother.
Elijah: You've had your fun. I believe we have a bargain.
Klaus: That's right. Now, what was it again? Oh, yeah. Wait. I remember. That's it. You wish to be reunited with our family.
Elijah: You gave me your word, Niklaus.
Klaus: What kind of brother would break his bond? Even though you did try to kill me.
Elijah: I could have. But I didn't.(Elijah helps Klaus put on his jacket.)
Klaus: And now no one can, not even you. Relax, Elijah. All is forgiven.
Elijah: Where are they?
Klaus: You need to lighten up. I'll bring you to them soon enough.

*At the Hospital,Alaric has sneaked inside and was putting some blood bags in his backpack for Jenna. His phone rings. He answers. It's Stefan.*
Alaric: Sorry, but I am a little busy here.(he puts one more bag in and leaves out of the room and walks towards the exit)
Stefan: I need your help.
Alaric: like I was saying,I am a bit busy here,am getting food for Jenna.(he exits the hospital)
Stefan: Damon's dying.
Alaric: What?
Stefan: Tyler Lockwood bit him. We don't have much time.
Alaric: What do you need?

*Town Square,There's a banner reading "Movie in the Square Presents Gone With the Wind". Some girls are dressed up for the event. Elena and Jeremy walking through the square.*
Jeremy: You brought me to see a girl movie.
Elena: We had to get out of the house, Jer. This is our three-hour distraction from reality.
Jeremy: Is that what we're doing? Pretending like our lives aren't screwed? Shouldn't we be helping Jenna.
Elena:Ric is helping Jenna right now, We need to do this, okay? Breathe, eat, sleep, wake up, and do it all over again until one day, it's just not as hard anymore.(They unfold a blanket and put it on the ground. Elena kneels on it. Caroline arrives with a couple of baskets and places them in the middle of the blanket.)
Caroline: Hey! There you guys are. Who's hungry?
Jeremy: Are we really doing this?
Caroline: Yes, we are really doing this. We are going to take a page from Scarlett. We made it through the war.(She kneels down on the blanket.)I know you guys went through hell, and my mom knows I am a vampire, so basically it's like Atlanta has burned. And yet, in spite of everything, we persevere.
Jeremy: All right.(He sits down with them.) What are we eating?
Caroline: Something good.
Jeremy: ok so where's Aria?
Elena: she's with Bonnie.

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