There goes the Neighborhood

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*Miss Gibbons's Residence,Anna is going down the stairs.*
Anna: Hey Bethanne.What are you guys watching? You guys have been watching the same thing the whole time? There are over one hundred and fifty channels. It's called a remote control. This button changes the channel. Hold it like this.(Anna goes into the dining room and finds Frederick feeding on Miss Gibbons.)
Miss Gibbons: Did you get enough sweetheart?
Frederick: For now.
Miss Gibbons: Anna, are you hungry? Did you want a little?
Anna: No, thank you Miss Gibbons. Why don't you lie down for a while and get some rest?
Frederick: She's fine. Aren't you Miss Gibbons?(Frederick compels Miss Gibbons.)
Miss Gibbons: Of course I am. I'm fine.(Miss Gibbons is leaving. Anna and Frederick exchange looks.)

*Donovan Residence*
Matt: Hey mom! Mom?(Matt is knocking on his mother's room door.)Hey mom?(Kelly opens the door.)
Kelly: What? I'm trying to sleep.
Matt: I was just making sure you're alive.
Kelly: I'm sorry sweetie. It was a late night. My head is throbbing.
Matt: I would appreciate it if you wouldn't bring the party home. And I'm pretty sure the neighbors would appreciate it too.
Kelly: It wasn't a party, it was one guy, don't be so judgy.
Matt: Well, I talked to Roberta at the grill and there's still a bartending position open if you want to...get a job.
Kelly: I figured she'd still be pissed about the last time I worked there.
Matt: I think she's desperate.
Kelly: I'll check it out.
Matt: Yeah?
Kelly: Don't act so surprised.
Matt: Well, I mean...I didn't know how long you planned on sticking around.
Kelly: Well, there's back rent due.
Matt: There's back everything mom.
Kelly: Like I said, I'll check it out.(Someone is knocking on the door.)Who's that?
Matt: It's Caroline.(Kelly is making a face.)Easy.(Kelly raises her eyebrows.)Yeah come in!(Caroline opens the door and enters in the kitchen.)
Caroline: Hi Mrs. Donovan.(Kelly gets up and leaves the room.)
Matt: Hey, ok. Well we're going to be late. So let's get going.(Matt is going towards Caroline.)
Caroline: Yeah.
Matt: Hey.
Caroline: Hey.
Matt: How are you?
Caroline: Good.

*Mystic Falls High School*
Stefan: Damon hasn't said a word to me. Every time I try to talk to him he shuts me down.
Elena: Do you think he's still trying to find Katherine?
Stefan: I don't know. He waited a hundred and forty five years only to find out that Katherine could not care less. I mean it's gotta hurt, right?
Elena: And it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
Stefan: You two have every reason to be upset with him. Have you two thought any more about what you're going to do?
Elena: About what? Isobel, our vampire birth mother, who's related to our vampire ancestor Katherine, who screwed over your vampire brother? Nah...I haven't thought about it at all.
Aria: What do you think, Stefan.
Stefan: I'm sorry I brought it up.
Aria:its alright Stefan,anyways I should get going.(she leaves,when she is a few feet away her phone starts to ring,she sees it was Bonnie,she smiles and answers) hey Bonnie,how are you doing.

*back with Elena and Stefan*
Elena: It'd just be nice if we could get through one day without having to deal with any of it. No vampire mother or brother.
Stefan: No vampires at all?
Elena: No vampires but you. I just want to get us back to normal stuff like school and homework and here's a thought: fun.
Stefan: Ooh, that sounds good to me, when do we start?(They laugh and leave.)
Matt: We can watch a movie at my place.
Caroline: With your mom and a six pack?
Matt: You don't really help the situation. You could at least try to be nice.
Caroline: Oh...I'm sorry. It's hard for me to show kindness to people that hate me. I'm not that evolved.(Matt raises his head and look at Elena and Stefan. They kiss each other. Caroline turns her head and look at them too. And turns her head to look at Matt.)
Caroline: So, a movie tonight?
Matt: Wherever you want to do it's good for me but I'm late and I got to go OK?
Caroline: OK.(She moves in for a kiss but he leaves.)

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