After school special

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*Mystic Falls High School,It's daytime. A memorial service for Carol Lockwood is underway in the gym of the high school. The students are lighting candles in glass cups as part of the service. Liz is speaking at a podium in front of the stand.*
Sheriff Forbes: Carol Lockwood always said that togetherness in times of tragedy leads to healing, that one community is stronger than a thousand of its members. But how does a community stay strong after losing its leader? And Carol was so much more than a leader; she was an open-minded friend and a concerned mother, taken from us too soon by a terrible accident.(Tyler is among the students, silent but looking on edge.)
Tyler: Screw this.
Caroline: What? Tyler? Tyler?(Tyler stands up and leaves the gym. Liz sees him leave.)
Sheriff Forbes: Please join me in observing a minute silence in her memory.(Everyone puts their heads down for the minute of silence. Elena looks over to the other side of the gym and sees Rebekah. She closes her eyes and looks over again, but finds Rebekah isn't there anymore.)
Bonnie: Are you okay?
Elena: Be right back.(Elena stands up and leaves the gym as she is leaving she runs into Aria who was about to enter)
Aria: Where are you going?
Elena: follow me.(she continues walking and Aria follows her)
Sheriff Forbes: Thank you so much. In the wake of this tragedy, the town has selected an interim mayor. Many of you may already know him. Please welcome Mr. Rudy Hopkins.(Rudy stands up and walks behind the podium.)
Rudy: Thank you so much, Sheriff. Carol Lockwood put this town first. That's why I'm here to talk to you guys. You folks are the future of Mystic Falls...(Elena and Aria are walking down the hallway and stop when they hears someone crying, Elena turns around the corner and finds April.)
Elena: April, what's wrong?
April: Nothing. I'm fine.
Elena: But you're crying?
April: It's just the whole mayor thing, you know. It's bringing stuff up about my dad.(Elena nods while Aria just hums)And I know you're a vampire.(Elena looks shocked.)
Aria:(also surprised) you do?
Elena: Wait, what?(Rebekah comes out of nowhere and snaps Elena's neck.)
April: Was that necessary?
Rebekah: No, but it was fun.(she smiles)
Aria: Rebekah? What's going on?
Rebekah: well after you decide to spend the night with Stefan, I went out for a little snack with I ran into April and told me everything she knows and saw,so I decided to let her join on my little mission, want to join me?
Aria: And what mission is that?
Rebekah: getting my revenge.
Aria: hm... I'm in.

*After the service, all the students are coming out of the gym. Caroline is walking through the crowd talking on her phone.*
Caroline: Hey, you just missed the mandatory school assembly.
Stefan: Well, that's because I'm at a mandatory all-day drinking party.
Caroline: Seriously? You decided to go on a ripper bender now?
Stefan: My brother slept with Elena. It kinda puts a damper on things and besides I didn't kill anyone, Aria was here to make sure of that but she just left a few minutes ago.
Caroline: First of all, you weren't supposed to know that, and second of all, Tyler is already spiraling, and he gets top priority.
Stefan: His mother just died. What do you expect?
Caroline: I'm his girlfriend. I expect him to talk to me. Instead, he's all angry, and it doesn't help that everyone keeps referring to his mother's death as an accident, which is just a really polite way of saying she was drunk.
Stefan: You think Klaus killed her?
Caroline: Hmm, I don't think she drowned in her martini glass. Just, get it together. I can't do it alone.(Caroline hangs up.)

*Elena has awakened and is leaning against a bookshelf in the library. She looks around and then gets up. April walks in.*
April: The assembly is over.
Elena: What the hell is going on? Where's Aria?
April: The school will be empty soon...How many times did you compel me?(Elena looks at her.)Don't...don't lie. Rebekah says you lie.
Elena: Rebekah isn't who you think she is, April. Now where's Aria?
April: What? She's not a thousand-year-old Original vampire?
Elena: Listen, we can figure this out, but we have to get out of here and find my sister.(Elena pulls April with her, they turn a corner and Rebekah is standing there.)
Rebekah: Sorry, not allowed.(Elena turns around to run away but Aria stops her)
Elena: Aria!
Aria: you heard Rebekah, you're not allowed to leave.(she grabs Elena's face)
Elena: what are you doing!(Aria compels her)
Aria: So do what she asks and sit then hell down!(Elena does so)
Rebekah: The rest of the class will be here shortly.

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