We'll always have bourbon street

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*Salvatore Boarding House,It's morning. Damon is lying in bed asleep until he wakes up. He sees that Elena isn't beside him and raises his head, looking around.*
Damon: Elena?(Elena is coming out from the bathroom. She has Damon's shirt over her black lingerie. She walks back over to the bed.)
Elena: Hey.
Damon: Hey.(Elena jumps into bed beside him.)
Damon: Thought you might've left.
Elena: No, I don't have to be at school for...(Elena holds her wrist up and looks at it as if there's a watch, which, of course, there isn't.) At least twenty minutes ago.(She and Damon kiss each other and pull away, Damon playing with her hair.)What's that face?
Damon: What face? (He smiles.)
Elena: That face.
Damon: I'm happy.(He smiles again and Elena does too before they kiss once more. Elena rolls on top of him and lifts his chin up with her finger as they continue to kiss.)

*Forbes Residence*
Caroline: This is a disaster!
Stefan: Look, we don't know anything for sure.
Katherine:Maybe you two don't but I do and I know for sure that Aria is sired to Rebekah.
Caroline: I can't believe I am going to say this but I agree with Katherine,Aria is sired to Rebekah and Elena is sired to Damon! Which means their one singular burning desire is to make them happy, just like Klaus and his hybrids!
Stefan: No it's not. A vampire sired to another vampire is one in a million. Maybe it won't affect her the same way.

*Salvatore Boarding House,Elena kisses down Damon's chest and Damon seems to enjoy it. Elena looks up at Damon.*

*Forbes Residence*
Caroline: We already know it's affecting her. She's become Damon's lapdog.(Stefan looks at her.)It's true! Everything he says, she agrees with. Everything he asks her to do...she does. And it's probably the same for Aria.
Katherine: which it is.

*Salvatore Boarding House,Damon and Elena continue to kiss. Damon kisses Elena's stomach and proceeds to kiss her up her chest.*

*Forbes Residence*
Caroline: We need to do something.
Katherine: she finally says something smart(Caroline pulls her phone out and is ready to call Elena.)
Stefan: Wait, no, hold on Caroline. (He stops her from calling her.) This isn't gossip. You can't just drop this on her before we know what's happening for sure.
Caroline: I need to talk to Tyler, okay? Maybe he'll know what to do.
Stefan: All right talk to Tyler but please don't tell anyone else. If this is true, then it may have influence on Elena's every action and emotion since she became a vampire and possibly Aria's as well.
Katherine: Are you two seriously not going to do anything?!(they don't answer)Well then, this was a waste of my time.(she then starts to walk towards the door)
Stefan: Wait,where are you going?
Katherine: to fix Aria, the last thing I need is for the Original bitch to tell Aria to kill me. I came here to just warn you so you don't do anything stupid and to be careful.(she then leaves before Stefan or Caroline could say anything)

*Salvatore Boarding House,Elena and Damon are still making out. Damon kisses her neck and she digs her nails into his back. She digs into his back so hard he begins to bleed. He pauses for a moment, but begins to kiss her neck again.*

*Abandoned Barn,Adrian, a hybrid, is chained up. Hayley, Tyler and Kimberley are all nearby watching as he transforms into a wolf. Adrian screams in pain.*
Adrian: Please, no more, I can't.
Tyler: Yes, you can. Block out the pain.(Adrian continues to scream in pain until Kimberley speaks up and makes her way over to Adrian.)
Kimberley: That's enough. This is torture.
Hayley: Kim, stop. He needs to finish.
Kimberley: Not today, he doesn't at least not without Aria's witch spell thing to help him.(She unchains Adrian.)
Hayley: Yes, today. Nate, Dean, and Chris are all dead, which makes Adrian Klaus' right hand. And Aria couldn't come and besides we can't let Adrian anywhere near Klaus until his sire bond is completely broken.
Tyler: Hayley is right. The bond isn't broken until he doesn't feel the pain of transformation anymore. If we want to get back at Klaus for everything he's done to us, Adrian has to keep turning.
Kimberley: He doesn't have to do anything. Isn't that the point of breaking the sire bond -- free will? (Hayley and Tyler exchange a look.)Let's go Adrian. (Kimberley and Adrian leave the barn.)

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