Ghost World

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*Salvatore Boarding House,Damon is tied to a chair. A fireplace stoker is in his chest. His ring is on the floor. Mason is watching him.*
Damon: Oh, you got to be kidding me.
Mason: Hurts, doesn't it?
Damon: Oh, Stefan.Low blow, Stefan. Low blow.(Stefan appears.)
Stefan: What the hell happened to you?
Damon: Whatever twisted ripper game this is, leave me out of it.
Stefan: I didn't do this.
Damon: Quit screwing around!
Stefan: I didn't.(He checks the chains.)
Stefan: It's pretty messed up though, isn't it?
Damon: Yep.(Stefan removes the iron stick. Damon screams. Stefan begins to remove the chains but stops and leaves. Mason is watching them but Damon can't see him.)Yeah, not to worry. I'll just untangle myself.(Mason opens the curtains so the sunlight can enter the room. Damon's skin burns. He screams.)

*Town Square,A group of volunteers are preparing the town for the Night of Illuminations. Some are hanging lanterns from the trees. Carol Lockwood is making a speech for the volunteers and the citizens.*
Carol: As a long-time member of the Historical Society, I am especially proud to be kicking off this day of festivities. Thank you, volunteers. Tonight, we turn off our town's lights and flare up our lanterns in honor of the night of illumination started by our founders 150 years ago. Here's founding family member Tobias Fell with a history lesson.(Everyone applause. Alaric,Jenna and Jeremy are listening to the speech.)
Jeremy: What are we doing here?
Alaric: Tobias Fell is the head of the history department. I didn't have a choice.
Jenna: exactly if we had to come,you also had to come.
Jeremy: All right, that explains what you two are doing here.
Alaric: Well, I'm the one who can fail you if you don't help me out
Jenna: And I am the one who is in charge of you so whatever I say goes.(Elena and Aria rejoin them and Aria was leaving a message to Bonnie.)
Aria: Call me back when you can, please.(she puts her phone away)
Elena: Hey, sorry we are late. What did we miss?(Anna is standing behind Jeremy but only Jeremy and Aria can see her)
Aria:(she looks at Jeremy and Anna) Please say we missed the speech.
Anna: Just a bunch of historical lies.(Aria nods at that)
Jeremy: You didn't miss anything and nope you didn't miss it.(Aria groans, making Anna laugh.Tobias Fell is giving his speech.)
Tobias: The first illumination was held in celebration with the newfound prosperity that Mystic Falls enjoyed after the war.
Anna: After the founders stole from all the vampires.(Jeremy laughs while Aria smiles trying to not laugh. Elena looks at them.)
Elena: What's so funny?(Jeremy and Aria look at each other and then they look at the stage. Elena turns her head to look too. Anna keeps commenting on the speech.)
Tobias: The founders, they placed lanterns over the doors to indicate that it was safe for their neighbors to come outside again.
Anna: Safe from the vampires.(Jeremy and Aria smile. Anna smiles too, looks at them, and takes Aria's hand but Aria immediately pulls it away)
Aria:(whispers) you can't do that,we are only friends remember.(Anna then nods sadly. Aria looks around and then she spots Bonnie and Caroline,she walks towards them)
Tobias: That night was an opportunity for the community of Mystic Falls to come together, a chance to strengthen ties with neighbors, business owners, and the...(Caroline is helping Bonnie to hang lanterns from the trees.)
Caroline: So when you did the spell to send Vicki away, did that get rid of Anna, too?
Bonnie: I wish. All I did was block the magic that was helping Vicki get a physical foothold here. As long as Anna wants to see Aria,all she has to do is touch her necklace and she sees her and Jeremy's still got a direct line to the other side, and as long as he wants to see Anna and she wants to see him, she's still here .
Caroline: Okay, you don't think I can actually resist commenting on that.
Bonnie: There. You commented.
Caroline: Bonnie...
Bonnie: What do you want me to say, Caroline? I went against the balance of nature when I brought Jeremy back to life, and now I'm paying the consequences. I just...didn't think it would have involved Aria being able to see her ex girlfriend...
Caroline: Well, I want you to say you're not okay with it.(Aria arrives and was behind Bonnie)
Bonnie: I'm a thousand times not okay with it, it's not that I don't trust Aria,it's Anna who I don't trust to be able to just "talk"  to Aria.(Suddenly she was hugged from behind making her gasp)
Aria: It's ok, it's just me. (She gives her a kiss on the cheek)
Bonnie: Aria,I didn't know you where—(she looks at Caroline who gives her an innocent look)
Aria: I know and I heard what you said and I just wanted to say that I am sorry I made you feel that way. I promise I will spend less time with Anna or I'll just ask her to just stick with Jeremy instead.
Bonnie: Aria...
Caroline: see problem fix,all you had to do is tell Aria.
Aria:Actually there might be another problem—(suddenly Damon pulls up near them in his car.)
Damon: Greetings, blondie. witchy pup and Witchy.(he looks at Bonnie)I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan.
Bonnie: What do you mean, why?
Damon: Because I'm pretty sure I just got spit-roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost.
Bonnie: What?
Caroline: And why would you think that?
Damon: Maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hot poker in my chest. Let's just say I'm having déjà vu.(Caroline looks at Bonnie and Aria.)
Caroline: I thought you said that ghosts couldn't physically interact with people.
Bonnie: They can't.
Aria: usually they can't but Damon is right,they interact now.
Caroline: And how do you know?
Aria: because yesterday night...(she stops and looks at Bonnie and Bonnie looks at her suspiciously) uh...Anna appeared when I was talking with Jeremy and I was able to see her...without her touching my necklace and Jeremy was able to touch her. That's what I was coming to ask you about.(Bonnie then crosses her arms)
Damon: Right, well, I don't have time for a vengeful Lockwood. When I kill someone, they're supposed to stay dead. Whatever you screwed up, fix it or Aria fix this.(Aria glares at him) please.(He drives away fast with his tires squealing. Matt is on the other side of the road, looking at them.)

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