Clingy Duo angst

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TW:Yelling, fighting(not physical)
Tell me if I missed anything


Tommy had been hanging out with Ranboo around Snowchester while Micheal and Shroud were playing. "Tommy?" Tommy turned around to see Tubbo standing behide him. "Tubbo I didn't think you were here right now" "Well I was about to leave Ranboo but then I saw him here."

"Why do you hate me so much Tubbo?" Tommy asked with genuine curiosity in his voice. "WHY DO I HATE YOU! BETTER QUESTION IS WHY DO YOU HATE ME?" Tubbo shouted back at him. "I don't hate you I have been trying to reach out to you for a while now but YOU don't respond" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DONT RESPOND YOU NEVER MESSAGE ME" "Stop shouting please" Ranboo mumbled. "Ok one I used to message you all the time-" "NO YOU DIDN'T" Tubbo once again shouted but this time interrupting Tommy. "SECOND of all you are scaring Ranboo by shouting." IF I WAS SCARING THEM THEN HE WOULD HAVE SAID SOMTHING!"

"He did say something you were to busy yelling to hear." There had then been a long silent pause to the point you could only hear Micheal and Shroud laughing in the background. "what happened to use Tubbo?" Tommy the said just over a whisper breaking the silence. "You left just after I became president. That's what happened." "I LEFT, YOU THINK I JUST LEFT, YOU EXILED ME AFTER YOY BECAME PRESIDENT. YOU EXILED ME FROM THE NATION THAT I HELPED CRATE." Tommy then responded clearly mad at Tubbo now.

(I would just like to point out my cast just jump on my bed and scared me)

"AND AFTER I DIED IN PRISON YOU LAUGHED, AND THEN WENT NO CONTACT. AND ON TOP OF ALL OF THAT THE LAST TIME YOU TALKED TO ME YOU TOLD ME YOU REPLACES ME TUBBO, I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO BE YOUR FRIEND BUT YOU JUST KEEP MAKING REASONS FOR ME TO NOT WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND MORE AND MORE." "Not my fault you choose to do something that you knew would get you in trouble." Tommy was just about ready to grab Shroud and leave. "Tubbo you have to remember that I burned his house as well." Ranboo said trying to help defend  Tommy, "and honestly you are being so rude to him for no reason at all." "Ranboo is fine I'm just going to leave" Tommy said on the break of tears, "but before I go here you fo Tubbo." Tommy said handing him a bracelet they made when they were younger. " Goodbye Tubbo" He then walked over to Shround telling him its time to leave.

Once they were out if sight Tubbo looked down at the bracelet. "He kept it" "Ya and he was always talking about how much he loved hanging out with you and some of the fun times you had." "Ranboo did I just make a big mistake" Tubbo said now starting to cry. "Probly the biggest mistake you'll ever make, you also just lost your husband" Ranboo responded taking off the iron ring Tubbo had make both of them. "≠⌑≡≚ ⌑⇌ ≡ꑇ≠☇≚ϟ⋕ 〲≚ ϟꈌ≚ ∦⌑ꑇ⇌∦ ⌆⌑ ⌤⌆ϟ☩ 〲ꑇ⌆☇ ‡⇌≠⋕≚ ⌆⌑≡≡☩ ϟ⇌⊒ ⌤ꈌ⌑‡⇌⊒ ♮⌑ꈌ ϟ 〲☇ꑇ⋕≚" Ranboo then turned to Tubbo "We will be back when you and Tommy sort things out" He then picked up Micheal and left, leaving Tubbo on the floor crying.


569 in total
539 just story

YAY Angst

Do you want a part 2



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