QSMP Headcanons

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The eggs take after their main care taker and start shifting appearance after about a month . Meaning, Chayanne &Tallulah look somewhat similar to Phil, Dapper looks like Bad, Richarlyson and Pomme has traits of all their parents, and so on. They need to see the care taker within the month so continue to look like them.


Chayanne and Tallulah are twins and the older out of all of them(them being twins changes all the time in the canon). Although they are twins most of the eggs still see Tallulah as more of of a younger sibling due to her being adopted later.


Chayanne is super over protective of all of his sibling. He would rather he lose his last life then any of them. This stands for whenever, even if he is fighting with his sibling he will still sacrifice himself and also no matter how close to said sibling he is.


Because Chayanne is super over protective of his siblings whenever one loses all of their lives he takes it the hardest and feels that he didn't try hard enough to protect them.


185 words

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