Day 14 - Headcannons.

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I wrote down some small headcannons. And now I just have to hope no one will hate me because of something. Just remember that I usually headcannon something if I saw someone else do that. Just so I'm not alone with one opinion. And I hope that no one will start to hate me more than they might already.

1. Morrigan

• I headcannoned her as asexual, but that does not mean that I'm against shipping her with anyone!

• I have read some fanfics about that Morrigan's actual father is Ezra Squall, and the theory isn't that bad. I kind of like it, but it's not a headcannon thing for me.

• It's quite obvious that how her father treated her, was kind of abuse, since children need attention, and good attention especially, to be happy. So yea, that could be counted as childhood trauma.

2. Jupiter

• I saw someone headcannon him as gay, and I do like that theory, but I know that there was the queer flag, that is like just not straight. And I guess I could add the unlabelled sexuality. That's a bit more fitting.

• I've found multiple fanart that shipped him with angel Israfel. I like that theory. And most of those headcannoned them to be ex partners.

• In most of my AU's, his childhood was great. And that's why he's so cool and outstanding. And that might be a reaction to getting away from trauma causing household, but that's a completely different AU.

3. Ezra Squall

• I headcannon him as a bisexual with a preference for women, but I won't be explaining my reasons.

• He has anger issues. That seems a bit cannon to me, but yea. He needs therapy. Everyone does.

• I would headcannon more things about his past, but I also wanted to headcannon more about his past, and that included some cannon things about one of the other villain in some other fandom. And ignore that the 1st cannon thing about that character, was that he was a stripper.
I different didn't think of writing a preformer AU about that-

4. Jack

• I like the headcannon of the "Sentiment of a Witness" by WundrousPotato.

I don't really know what more a lot to add. He's really cool tho. I might have hated him while reading the 1st books for the 1st time. I can't exactly remember the reason.

5. Other

• I saw someone say that Hawthorne sometimes acts a bit queer. It's cool. I headcannon that.

I don't really know what more to add at the moment. If you want to know morw about me, you can ask. I wouldn't really mind, unless it's too personal, like my address or full name. And other stuff like that.

And here's some fanart made by me. I cannot draw faces and hands.

 I cannot draw faces and hands

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