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        Camp Half Blood was like demigod paradise. "I'll show you where you will be staying." Nico smirked. Something tells me I'll be enjoying it here.
       "Hey Deathbreath! I see you brought new meat!" A dirty blonde walked up. She was definitely a child of Ares. Dressed in full armour and a sword. "Back off Clarisse, we don't have time for your nonsense." Said Nico. "Don't worry, if it's a fight she wants it's a fight she's gonna get." I said. "You heard the girl. Let's fight."
           I got my twin daggers out. I don't feel like wearing my armour and I didn't want to explain the wings. Let's do this.
           She immediately tried to jab me. Offensive, typical Ares child. Luckily I have been training all my life, I was literally, born to fight. I parried her jab and kicked her in the chest (for girls that hurt like a bitch) disarmed her sword and immediately had my daggers at her throat. ALL UNDER 20 SECONDS BITCH! "Beginners luck twinkle toes!" Clarisse stomped off. "Your amazing! Not even Percy can beat her that fast." Nico praised. I bet I'm blushing. I can feel my face heat up. "Let's go look at my cabin"
        We stopped at a black cabin with no windows and abit of red here and there. The inside was just as dark with Greek fire the only source of light. There was also a king sized bed with black and red linen "Welcome to cabin 13" Nico said. "Sorry I don't have an extra bed so we have to share, my half sis is never here anyway." A sister? Than why doesn't she have a companion. "She's Roman if you're wondering. So she doesn't have a companion." he continued. That explains alot. But what about my brother Dan? Who was his supposed companion? I guess I just need to ask. "Nico, do you have another sister. A Greek sister?" I asked. Nico stiffened up "don't talk about it" something's up. "We need to see Chiron." said nico.
          Camp looked so cool. There was so many training areas. Even a rockclimbing wall. SPEWING OUT LAVA. There were also really cool cabins like Hera's which I assume is probably empty because Hera has no children. We reach a small cabin and a man in a wheelchair greeted us. "Nico, good to see u again. Who's you're friend?" said the man in a wheelchair. "Hey Chiron her name is Raven. She's my companion."  "Nice to meet you Raven I know. Nico, I know you rarely join us but would you like to join us for capture the flag." capture the flag? Sounds fun. Nico looked at me as if wondering if I would like to join. I gave him a nod and he said "ok" " well I'll arrange for that. Why don't you introduce Raven to the rest of your friends."
So how was it? I don't seem to update as much cuz it's the exam time AND I'm trying to write longer chapters. Is the story too slow? Tell me

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