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It was just a kiss right? I mean a peck on the lips might as well meant nothing. I expected Nico to pull back because I honestly knew what I wanted. But that's the thing, we didn't...

We were basically caught in the moment and ended up making out. Yes. Making out. I'm not sure if it was Aphrodites magic or something. All I knew was that I didn't want to pull back. Our lips moved in sync and I felt like we were alone. Just the two of us. But, sadly, all good things have to come to an end.

We snapped back to sad reality when we heard a slight squeal from Aphrodite. "I knew it" You could hear Aphrodite whisper to herself. "Urm, aren't you going to tell us the location of Persephone?" I said, still kind of shocked by the earlier events. "Oh her? She's at the Rose Vine Hotel at (insert location here) By the way go teach her a lesson on love k? K." Aphrodite then just left. At least we now know where she is...
We walked in painful silence as our combat boots scraped the gravel beneath us. There were lots to be spoken but none was said. I don't know if I actually want to talk about the kiss earlier but without a doubt it would turn awkward. Suddenly there was a gust of wind. I slightly shivered and hoped Nico didn't see it. Well he did and shrugged off his aviator jacket he was wearing and draped it on my shoulders. "Heh, I didn't think that Nico Di Angelo was such a gentleman." "Well neither did I think that Raven Shadows would turn me into a gentleman. I guess we were both wrong." He chuckled. "I have to say though, despite all that we have been through and how neither of us ever leave each other's side we know close to nothing about each other." Said Nico. He has a point. "I'm pretty much an open book the-" "Oh I begged a differ. So Raven, enlightened me. Read to me the book you call yourself." Nico cut in. I never knew he was so good with words.

"Well, I don't think you know this but I had a brother." I said "Had? Past tense? I don't want to intrude but what happened to him?" Nico questioned. "That's the thing, I don't know. One moment we were fighting the Minotaur the next he was withering on the ground. He just died. He closed his eyes and never woke up." By the time I was already tearing up. "I still have the scar. I got distracted and the minotaur rammed me in the stomach." I touched it instinctly and looked up realising I just told him my deepest secret. However instead of the cocky or nonchalant smile he usually wore. His eyes showed compassion. One emotion of which he rarely showed.

"I would say sorry but sorry doesn't actually do shit. I know because my sister died. I'm not exactly sure what happened because I wasn't there. She went on a quest With a few of the hunters of Artemis but didn't come back. I blamed Percy because he said that he would protect her. He didn't so I kind of hold a grudge against him. Now we're on better terms I guess." I nodded. I guess you could say this was closure. My brother died because Nico's sister died in battle. "It's crazy." I said. Nico turned his head to face me. Confused by my choice of words. "What are we." I asked. Nico just stared at me blankly. "What do you mean?" He asked as we stopped walking. Boots scrapping to a stop. "Other than the fact that we are companions. Are we just friends. Because despite me having very little experience I know that friends don't kiss like we do." I asked. I've been dieing to know. "Well Raven the answer is simple." He moved his face closer to me. Such that our face was only a couple inches apart. Than he said.

"I like you."

Long chapter for you guys. Ily :) I'm kind of sad that I couldn't get tickets to see 5sos. No. SO SAD I CRIED. Anyway I honestly really like this chapter. Hope u do to. Btw. TKS FOR 3k VIEWS. I honestly never thought this book would get read by so many people. Makes me lots happier : D


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