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You know that feeling when you don't know if something is good or not? That feeling when I'm right now staring at Nico's sleeping face and is like is just turning into a petty white girl saying "awwww". No? Just me? Of course...

I was watching some random movie when I heard mumbles from the bed. "uh, nico?" of course I would get no answer. I tried to flip him (Its as easy as flipping a beached whale) over because he was almost sleeping face first in the pillow. Gods, he was crying! "Nico! Nico! Wake up!" I tried to shake him awake. After repeating the process for about 5mins he finally woke up. "you okay?" I asked. I was so worried about him. It takes alot to make Nico cry.
Now, we were cuddling in the bed. No complaints here. Nico didn't really say much. He was just blanking out. Not like that was abnormal but it was awfully silent. "Uh, Nico. What's wrong. That nightmare you had. What was it about?" I asked hesitantly. I know he heard me. He thought abit than said. "I had a sister. She died and I really missed her. In the dream I was the one to kill her. And... Look I don't even know. Can we just go to sleep." he said. Considering he just had a nightmare I didn't want to push for details. Plus its rare to have more than one nightmare a night. But I couldn't sleep, I was thinking too much on the fact that NICO HAD A SISTER. This could be why Dan, passed. Gods I want to know more but I guess I shouldn't push it.
"Urhhhh 5 more minutes." "Raven, we need to wake up!" Says the guy who probably already had 10 hours of sleep. "Shut up" I said as I snuggled closer to Nico. Wait SNUGGLED? That woke me up. "What I don't smell that bad?" said Nico making me giggle. "Anyway we should get going."
"Hey you know we actually have a time limit? If we don't rescue Persephone in time there won't be anymore summer. It'll just be cold." I said. Nico than sulked and said "We should hurry up." easier said then done.
A short chappie for now. I want to say I'm busy and shit but I'm just lazy... I never even thought u guys would care : P. Oh well, that just means you like the book.
Peace out thug pugs B )

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