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I do not own any of the pjo or hoo characters. They all belong to Rick Riordan. I only own Raven Shadows.
I guess I can be abit of a show off at times, but I prefer to show people who's boss. ME. I guess I'm on Nico's team? I'm assuming so. Anyway I can't wait.
"Ok so this is the plan. Me and seaweed brain will sneak around and look for the flag while the Demeter cabins defend. Nico, you summon some skeletons to help them. Meanwhile the Aphrodite cabin charm some Ares guys. The Nemesis and Hermes cabin will attack to make it look like you guys are looking for the flag. While me and Percy are the real ones looking for the flag." Annabeth instructed.
Great plan except for one thing. WHAT DO ME AND NICO DO!? "Hey Annabeth, you know me and Raven are on your team." Said Nico. Thank the gods. " Oh right you guys just distract the opposing team." Wow distracting the other team that's such a difficult job. (note my sarcasm). Bitch, I can do better than that.
"1 minute till we begin." said Chiron who was now in his half horse half man form. I quickly told Nico a better plan. "Nico, later we'll try out our empathy link. I'll fly around and distract the archers. If I find the place where they keep their flag I'll tell you and you shadow travel there. They won't know what'll hit them" He smirked and nodded.
I changed into full armour. My black wings stretched out. This is what I was born to do. The feeling of victory fueling my adrenaline. I can tell people are staring at me but I don't care. Let them stare. The horn blew and I took off.
A dozen arrows fly past me but I'm too agile. They miss me by miles. I threw a couple daggers. They'll return back to me sooner or later. Than a flying blonde boy came up. "What da..." after a split second he slashed at me but I parried. His attacks were smart. Fast but strong. I can't say I was winning bit he obviously wasn't. Until the blonde boy raised his sword and a silvery white flash of lightning struck us. Wasn't strong enough to kill anyone (There was no killing alowed in this battle) but probably cause a person to pass out. I dodged the lightning strike. Just barely.
Wait, why is such a strong fighter, a child of Zeus no less. Fly out of no where. At the bottom there were no fighters unless...
Nico I know where their flag is hidden I think your friend Jason is protecting it I'll distract him while you shadow travel there. I describe the place to him okay he replied. Now I just need to distract Jason here.
I went on offensive and was winning. I basically flew in circles slashing at certain points and kicking him. He put up a good fight. Which was what I was aiming for. When I saw Nico reaching the flag I played dead. Falling from the sky pretending that he injured one of my wings. Reaching the ground I stretched out my wings and landed. One of my best landings if I do say so myself.
Cue the blowing of the victory horn as I emerged from the forest to see Nico hold up a blue flag which was turning red. He smirked when he saw me and ran up to me. I could tell that the smirk he had was not as much as how happy he felt on the inside. Nico engulfed me in a hug and that was the best hug ever. We pulled apart only for him to whisper a quick "thanks" and then he kissed me. WAIT WHAT.
Oh yes I did it. Next chapter will probably be my favourite. It's gonna get interesting.
~ Eliz

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