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"Hey, no cheating!" I shouted at Nico as a skeletal hand reached out and pulled my hands from the controller.

"You used a blue shell you're no better". Nico said. We were in the Hades cabin playing Mario Kart with the doors locked and curtains drawn and lights off. We have the best dates.

This went on for awhile till we headed for a sharp turn and he threw my controller to the other side of the room. I summoned a skeleton to pass me my controller and tried blocking Nico with my wings.

"Look who's talking, cheater." Nico said in a husky voice similar to a growl. Through lowkey wrestling and blocking each other I find myself on Nico's lap.

As we kept trying to steal glances at the screen I heard a moan from Nico. "Mmm Raven."

 At this point the game wasnt on our minds anymore. This escalated quickly.


Throughout the heat of the moment , our hands began moving around. While my interlocked hands rested on the crook of his neck , Nico's palms found their way to my waist. Soon , our tongues began to fight for dominance , in which obviously Nico won.

As we kissed , we moved feom the couch to the bed lips barely removing from the others. Giving me another small peck on the lip , he was holding my hair in a way so that it was hopelessly very romantic.His dark brown orbs filled with lust and passion met mine

 "Are you sure you wanna do this" causing me to nod as he slowly again leaned in , but very passionate this time. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we kept doing this until he slowly leaned me into bed. His light kisses trailed down from my lips , to my neck. He kept on kissing until I lightly moaned at a spot right near my collarbone. I could feel Nico smirking and he circled his tongue over my sweet spot. When he pulled away his manhood was very close to mine. His eyes again met mine as leaned over to take out my shirt. 

Suddenly , I felt very over conscious. Nico looked at me and saw my uneasiness "don't worry" his voice seemed to calm me down . While I bit my lip, Nico managed to unstrap my bra. That's when I realised , I'm half exposed. He trailed down kisses down to my neck to my breast.

I pulled away from the kiss and took out my shorts. After throwing them in some point of the Cabin , god knows where. I smirked when I started grinding against his manhood. "Aghh Raven" Nico said as he moaned lightly. "Fuck this" he said before pushing me into the bed and removing my panties as I removed his jeans. Gingerly I felt him through his boxes and he reponded with lusty hiss.

"Mi Angel, let me make you mine." Nico placed his face centimetres from mine. He knows I love it when he speakes Italian from our now countless dates and quests. He first again reassured if I wanted this and rubbed his manhood against mine. I didn't know if I was even going to fit or if I was ready for this , but one thing was for sure , I trusted Nico too much to let him do his work. He slowly went inside me. But that didn't stand for long until his movements got faster until was .... very fast.

Our moans filled the room as I clenched onto the bed sheets to prepare for what was coming next. I knew he was feeling it too. We both came together as Nico gave me a loving peck. with heavy breathes he said "I love you". I stared deeply into his coffee brown eyes "I love you too Nico". 


Its the long awaited SMUT XD although I didnt write majority of it. special thanks to @-caralate who made this part exist in the first place so go check out her own writing! So sorry but I dont think a sequel will be up but if you cant get enough of our italian ray of death read my new book titled Hidden in Shadows. Hope you enjoyed this book!

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