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I preferred Ravens idea way more. I get to do more and I actually feel important. I may be a little biased but so what. I'm a teenage boy! (Or somewhat. It's complicated)
Raven let her wings appear and she looked like a goddess with her black hair cascading down her back I can tell almost every guy was drooling and I was no exception. SHE LOOKED FUCKING BADDASS.
The starting horn blew and we charged. Raven shot up in the sky and flew around like a. Well. Raven. I dodged enemy arrows and fought through enemy lines. Than I ran into Clarisse.
"Look who we have here. The ghost king himself. Where's your little birdie friend?" Two more big guys came out but I'm not scared. "Three against one. That's not very fair" I let two skeletons rise from the dead. Now it's better. Clarisse charged at me while her two friends had gone for the undead. I dodged and parried her attacks. Looking for every chance to counter her. Finally her left side was unstable and I used that to my advantage. I immediately took a jab at her left side and kicked her in the stomach. (I know I'm a guy and can't hit girls but can you count Clarisse as a girl?) It really wasn't her day.
Nico. Nico Ravens voice echoed. Yes. Our empathy link works now lets use it. Nico I know where their flag is hidden I think your friend Jason is protecting it I'll distract him while you shadow travel there.
With new information I ran into the shadows and appeared at the site. I looked back to see an epic battle between Jason and Raven. I'll end it. She crashed into the ground nearby as I grabbed the opposing team flag. Raven emerged from the bushes and looked genuinely happy. I tried to keep my cool but I still let out a smirk.
I ran up to Raven. The place still empty and it was only Raven and me. Gods, this is perfect. She really looked Like an angel in disguise. I whispered a "thanks" and I kissed her
"So you what!?" Jason screamed in my ear. I was at the Zeus cabin talking to Jason. "I don't know it was just so perfect. We were alone and well it happened..." Jason was the only guy I can trust after I told him about my crush on Percy and all that shit might as well tell him everything. "Dude you got to ask her out or at least tell her you like her" I guess Jason is right. I've already kissed her how low can I get?
I drag my feet to the Hades cabin. "what should I say?" I whispered to myself quietly. Should I talk to Piper about this first. She is the daughter of Aphrodite. Maybe I should.

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