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One day America and Canada were chilling on a couch watching TV. It was October 25th, Halloween was getting closer and closer. They were pretty bored but suddenly America came up with a brilliant idea.

"Hey Canada, what do you think about doing a Halloween themed sleepover at our house?" America said, he gave Canada that smile crealy telling him that there was some dumb catch behind it
"You know what? Sure" Canada said after thinking about it for less than 5 seconds ignoring America will probably do something stupid

America quickly took his phone out of his pocket and created a group chat with a few of his friends, those friends being: Russia (not really his friend but still decided to invite him), Japan, Poland, Germany, South Korea, Ukraine, Australia and New Zealand. He sent a message saying "31th of October at my house, cool Halloween sleepover, what do y'all think?". Everyone really liked that idea except maybe for Russia because he really would just prefer to stay at his house but he agreed anyway because why not? South Korea then added North Korea to the group chat saying they will come too. North Korea didn't agree but South Korea kinda just forced him to join them.
So now it was set, on 31th of October everyone would be at America's house for a sleepover.

America then decided why not just make his parents also a part of it, he called both of them and told them about the whole thing. They didn't mind the sleepover, France said she will join if UK does and America just said that if UK joins he will give him some free tea and listen to his rant about it, UK obviously agreed because of his love for tea.

Now all they had to do was wait for the 31th of October and prepare everything for the sleepover

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