𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟗

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1 week before the whole thing happened....

America went out of him room, ran down the stairs and started banging the table


Everyone went down the stairs and sat around the table, 2 seats were empty because New Zealand and Australia went to find new animals for their little ZOOs in their rooms. To be honest it wouldn't be long before the whole house turns into a ZOO.

"What is it America?" UK said
"Ok so like, I invited many countries and by many I mean.... like 6 of them, and just now I came up with an idea of making a murder mystery as a prank!" America said "Dad, if you agree, you can educate everyone that is eliminated about tea in the basement"
"I'M IN" UK said
"If UKs in, sure I'm in too" France said
"Well, If everyone's in, I'm in too" Canada said
"So what's the plan?" Canada said
"Well, dad dies first to prepare everything in the basement, next is someone, and when they die dad drags them into the basement" America said "Mom dies in like the middle and Canada and me stay till the last 4 people"
"Ok, but what do I do? because I assume mom and dad are dragging people into the basement" Canada asked
"Well, you play along and act like you don't know shit, and at the end well I 'kill' you" America said
"So... I just know about this and that's all?" Canada said
"Exactly!" America said "I'm the one behind this, the bad guy, I even decided I will prepare myself an evil speech for this occasion!"
"It will be great, I'm telling you" America said
"Yea.. yea... just like all the other ones..." Canada said
"HEY, we don't talk about these ones." America said
"Family meeting over, I'm going back to watching Ninjago" America said and left

When America closed the door to his room France said "Do you think something will go wrong?"
"Probably, I mean it's America, and if he's supposed to be the bad guy..." UK said
"I'll try to make sure he doesn't get himself killed" Canada said
"Okay, that's your new mission, make sure America doesn't get himself into any stupid shit" UK said

Murder Mystery very scary OooOOOoooOOO and spooky // Countryhumans [OLD]Where stories live. Discover now