𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟓

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"Guys! I SWEAR IT WASN'T ME" America said, everyone looked at him, the only evidence they had pointed to America
"Guys, I know you all think it was me, BUT WHY IN THE FUCK WOULD I KILL MY MOTHER?!" America said, he tried to come up with arguments to defend himself but all he really could think about is making a joke about how the murderer hates Europeans because they are the only ones dying so far.
"America..." New Zealand said
"Why would you do that America?...." Australia said with tears in her eyes
"I can't believe you're my brother." Canada said
"So~ What do we do with America now?" Japan said "We know he threw a sleepover just to get rid of us"
"I DID NOT" America said
"We can tie him up!" South Korea said

After what South Korea said, everyone agreed and proceeded to tie America to a chair. America didn't like that idea at all. While North Korea and Russia were doing that Ukraine was comforting Canada and his other siblings. South Korea and Japan were discussing something. They also decided to tape America's mouth so he couldn't say anything, so there was just muffled screaming. They left America in a room far away from everyone else.
They started discussing what to do with him. Kill him? Send him to jail for countries (if something like that even exists)? Leave him be? Punish him? Make him do the housework for 2 years? Ground him? Take away his guns? Or maybe make him see his good ol friends?
They couldn't decide on what to do with him, so Russia just decided to question America about his motives. Russia obviously was the one to do that since he came up with the whole idea of questioning him. So he went into the room where America was screaming for help, and took tape off his mouth so he could speak.

"FINALLY" America said
"Why did you kill them." Russia said
"Well, guess what, I DIDN'T" America said "Why do you believe I'm the murderer, it doesn't make any sense at all"
"Because all the evidence points at you" Russia said
"Well what's your evidence then?!" America said, that made Russia stay silence for a second since they really didn't have that much evidence
"Since when were you so smart?" Russia said
"Since when were you not drunk" America responded

"If you say something like that again I'll punch you" Russia said
"Oh no! So scary! I'm so scared~" America said, Russia just looked at him disappointed and sighed
"Well, if it wasn't you, prove it to me" Russia said
"Well, first of all, I have no reason to kill any of them and second of all I was in my room the whole time watching the newest Ninjago episode on my PC because SOMEONE broke the TV" America said
"I didn't break the TV..." Russia said
"And how do I know? Maybe you did? Oh wait, I forgot, I don't have any evidence, JUST LIKE YOU" America said
"Wow, you're really trying to prove yourself innocent aren't you?" Russia said
"Of course I am, BECAUSE I DIDN'T DO IT" America said
"You still haven't said anything that would prove your innocence" Russia said
"I told you I was watching Ninjago in my room, is that not enough?" America said
"Well, yes, how do I know if you aren't lying" Russia said
"Well, obviously because I'm not your father" America said
"You can't just not bring up someone's parents in an argument can you?" Russia said
"No, I can, it just always works" America said
"... I fucking hate you" Russia said
"Me too!" America responded

They just looked there at each other for next 5 minutes

"Are you gonna continue questioning me?" America said, Russia just sighed
"What were you doing during the pillow fight" Russia said
"I thought you were questioning me about my motives not about what I did" America said
"Just shut the fuck up and answer the question" Russia said
"Well, obviously, I tried to murder Germany" America said "Who else would I be fighting with?"
"So, you're saying you killed Germany?" Russia said
"No, You're just dumb, I'm saying I was fighting with Germany and he can't confirm it now because someone killed him and that someone ISN'T me" America said
"Sure, sure" Russia said
"Anything else?" America said
"Why did you kill Poland?" Russia asked
"Yes you did" Russia said
"Ok, if you're so SMART then, what is 2 + 2" America said
"You have to bring your stupid jokes into everything don't you" Russia said
"No! It's 4!" America said, Russia just looked at him disappointed "You know if I was you, I would watch out, because it looks like the murderer REALLY hates Europeans"
"No thank you" Russia said
"Ok back to the thing, what do you think my motives are?" America said
"Well, you never liked your father, you.... you actually don't have anything against Poland or France..." Russia said
"Oh? Lost for words I see" America said, Russia didn't respond
"Yea, looks like your evidence isn't really evidence" America said "You're just trying your best to put the blame on me"

After that America and Russia stayed in silence for a few minutes. America was right, Russia and others really had no evidence. It was the thing they just assumed, because America was right, he had no reason to kill Poland or France. They liked each other, so it would be stupid for him to kill them. If it really was America he would probably kill Russia and not Poland. After all they never really liked each other, and now Russia was wondering why the fuck was he even invited in the first place. They stayed in silence for even longer, America considered saying something but he decided to wait for what Russia had to say, but America was right, Russia was really lost for words, he didn't know what to say. He took this situation all seriously yet now he didn't know what to do.

"So, are you planning to untie me or maybe you have something else to say?" America said

Russia didn't respond again. It felt like they would just sit there forever until Russia found something to say or would decide to unite America, or just someone died. They just looked at each other. Until Russia sighed and left the room.

"HEY WHAT ABOUT ME?!" America yelled, but it was too late because Russia already left.

Russia came back to the group, everyone looked at him hoping he had some new information.

"So?" South Korea said
"America is innocent" Russia said
"BUT HOW?!" North Korea said
"Well, after talking with him, he made some very good points and that made me realize we're all just trying to blame him for something he didn't do" Russia said
"He's crealy manipulating you" North Korea said
"Hey, I know what situation we're in right not, but America isn't the type to manipulate people" Canada said
"Why are you defending him?" Japan said
"Because he's still my brother" Canada said
"Just few seconds ago you were against him and telling him he's not your brother" Japan said
"I didn't say that" Canada said
"Y'all are switching up so fast, just few minutes ago you hated America so much" South Korea said
"I mean, he has been proved innocent hasn't he?" Canada said
"We're not sure! He may have just manipulated Russia" North Korea said
"I just said, my brother isn't the type to do this kind of stuff!" Canada said
"Well, we never know for sure!" North Korea said "Maybe he has some other tricks up his sleeve"

"He doesn't!" Canada said

The whole thing just ended up in an argument between Canada and North Korea. At this point two sides were created, the one who thought America was innocent and the one who thought he wasn't. On the side that thinks he is guilty there isNorth Korea, South Korea, Japan, and Australia, on the side that thinks he is innocent there is Russia, Canada, Ukraine and New Zealand. Russia probably would be against America but after America made some good points there's no way America actually did it. Sometimes they fought but mostly they just stayed on their sides of the living room. Everything was fine, Canada, Russia and New Zealand went to see America and untie him, Ukraine decided to stay in the living room on their side and watch over the other group. Since they may be up to something.

America was very happy when he finally got untied. He didn't have to sit in that stupid chair any longer. Now all they had to do was to prove to the other group America was innocent, Canada explained the whole situation to him, America was happy to finally see Canada on his side again, maybe he wasn't that happy Russia was there, but you know, never too many allies. When they finally got back there was one thing that was for sure wrong. Ukraine was nowhere to be found. When Canada noticed that he immediately panicked.

"Us? We didn't do a thing!" North Korea said
"Then why is she gone?!" Canada said, the other group was surprised to see that Ukraine was gone, but now that they split up they didn't trust each other enough to actually look for her. They just hoped she would come back.

After 20 minutes, Ukraine still wasn't back. Everyone was starting to get worried about her even though the other group didn't show it at all. America and Canada decided to look for Ukraine, maybe they would find her or some clues where she could have gone.
After searching and searching all they found was a flower crown that Ukraine used to wear covered in blood. Canada picked up the crown, America insisted on keeping looking, maybe they can find a clue or maybe Ukraine, maybe she's not dead after all. Maybe that's not hers? Canada agreed. They kept looking, but still nothing. They came back to the group and placed the flower crown on the table in the middle of the living room.

Murder Mystery very scary OooOOOoooOOO and spooky // Countryhumans [OLD]Where stories live. Discover now