𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟖

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When Russia woke up he was tied up to something, he didn't really know what it was but it seemed like it was just a wooden pole. Next to him was unconscious Japan, she was also tied up. Russia tried to move but to no avail, because the ropes were too tight. After he gave up, he noticed that there's something in front of him. That thing in front of him was Canada's dead body. Covered in blood, America was nowhere to be found. Russia started suspecting that it was actually America, but how? Literally it was impossible just like America proved to him earlier, maybe he was just somewhere else? Or maybe he's working with whoever is killing them? So many questions yet so little answers, all Russia could do right now, is just wait for his death or scream for help if that would do anything, but obviously because his IQ is low, he decided to scream.

"HEY, YOU BASTARD, LET ME GO" Russia screamed but no one responded
"HELLO???? YOU PLAN SHOWING UP ASSHOLE?!?" Russia screamed again but still to no response, then he came up with amazing idea, to just scream at the top of his lungs and maybe the murderer will reveal itself because it gets annoyed with Russia screaming.

So he did it, Russia screamed and the murderer did come out.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD CAN YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP?!?!" Mysterious figure said
"Your voice sounds annoyingly familiar" Russia said "Mind revealing yourself?"
"No, unless you guess who it is" the figure responded.
"Poland?" Russia said
"Do I look like a red and white country with wings to you?" the figure responded
"Well if you're this shitty at guessing I might as well start my villain speech" the figure said
"So, like, sup, I killed everyone, not because I have any motive, just because I'm a psychopath and I did it for fun, just like your father" the figure continued
'This sounds weirdly like something America would say' Russia thought
"So yea, that's my evil speech yea I kinda didn't prepare for it and did it at like 2am in 2 minutes" the figure said, they just stood there in silence for next 3 minutes

"... You know what?" the figure said
"What" Russia said
"I'm giving you one more try and I'm revealing myself because this is stupid" the figure said
"Well, hmmm, I know! It must be my grandfather" Russia said
"I never met someone dumber than you-" the figure said and took off its hood, revealing a white country with red stripes and a blue square in the up left "You're so fucking dumb"
"OMG AMERICA! I KNEW IT!" Russia said
"Don't lie to yourself" America said
"Okay, you know what, I'm killing you now, hope you have a nice reunion with your father" America said and walked up to Russia, he also kicked Canada's body while doing so.

America put a gun to Russia's head, put a finger on the trigger and was ready to fire

"Happy-" America said but got cut off by a loud thud and Canada's scream
"HUH?!" America said and ran up to Canada
"MY HEAD" Canada screamed
"CANADA ARE YOU OKAY??!?!" America said
"Damn I didn't know out attic was falling apart" America said "and, well, because I felt like it"
"Now let me call 991 or something" America said and called 991
"LATER-" America said

The ambulance arrived and just a few minutes after 3 of them were sitting in a hospital waiting room, waiting for Canada, Japan was still unconscious, but in reality she was just asleep the whole time. America was worried as fuck for his brother because he didn't expect for that to happen, that wasn't in the script, or at least in the script he read.

"So, mind giving us a proper explanation?" Russia said
"Uh- uh... sure" America said "So, this was all a prank we like planned, I'll tell you the whole story of planning later but now for the deaths, uhhh Poland saw a tarantula that escaped like in middle of the day, Germany got knocked out by France, Australia and New Zealand got knocked out by France too, North Korea got dragged by UK, South Korea did actually just pass out and Canada lied that there's no pulse, and well UKs death was just a set up that he made himself"
"What happened to other after they 'died'" Russia asked
"Oh, they're in the basement listening to dad rant about tea..." America said
"You said that like if you were deeply traumatized because of tea-" Russia said
"Well.... my punishment as a kid was listening to it...." America said "I had nightmares because of it...."
"Oh... damn... I-" Russia didn't know what to say
"Well... you still want to hear the whole thing of how we planned it?" America said
"Sure" Russia said

Murder Mystery very scary OooOOOoooOOO and spooky // Countryhumans [OLD]Where stories live. Discover now