Chapter Seven

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“You are an idiot.”

His only answer was the slamming of a door and Itachi expected no different response. This has been their only true encounter since the whole ordeal happened. All of their other interactions have involved few words and if anything bruises was the only outcome. Their relationship was rocky to begin with, but it was clear to Itachi now that his relationship with his brother would never be what it once was.

For once, he was okay with it.

Looking out the window of the living room, he could scarcely see the ocean before him through the red-lace curtain. His eyes softened, the irritation that is usually brought on by being in the presence of his foolish brother evaporated and instead placed with a calm. It wasn’t common knowledge, but he quite enjoyed the waves. Not so much the heat from the sun, however he did fancy the coolness and weightlessness that the water made him feel. It washed away all of his worries and stress.

“Mother, I will be heading into town to the office. I will try to be back in time for dinner,” Itachi says quietly as Mikoto comes into the living room. Her hair didn’t have a single strand out of place but he could smell a hint of bleach once he leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek which told him that she was cleaning. He hoped Sasuke got roped into it. Cleaning with his mother was no easy task.

“Oh okay, dear. Just call me, okay?” She says with a smile and watches him get to the door before she stops him. “Itachi! Won’t you check on Sakura for me? I’m worried about her.”

“Of course.”

~ ' ~ ' ~

The work day was irrelevant. Itachi could work through the day with his eyes closed and perhaps that is why he was trusted with the business and not Sasuke. Whatever the reason, he simply did not care. He couldn’t find it in himself to care, this job was just simply that: a job. He would much rather pour himself into other things - things he enjoyed.

It was why music was slightly difficult to give up. He knew that he had to out of respect for his father and his fathers wishes, but there were times he regretted it.

His fingers strummed lightly against the strings of the guitar in his lap, his head bent low and bangs gathered in his face.

“Long day?”

Itachi looked up to see Kisame, another long time friend of his, sitting down on the floor next to him.

“Not really. It was just the same.”

“I don’t understand why you stay at your family's company. You’re one of the most talented people I have ever met. It’s a waste,” sighs out Kisame as he takes a swig of a suspiciously strong scented drink. It figured that his friend would be day drinking, not that Itachi minded.

“It’s expected.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Itachi is waved off and for a moment the only noise between them was the sound of Kisame’s drink and the music from Itachi’s fingertips. It was comfortable and it was a different type of sameness that he was used to. He didn’t mind this kind.

“Did you go?”

“Not yet. I was going to go after dinner,” hummed out Itachi and Kisame fixed him with a look. He lightly knocks the black haired man against the shoulder.

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