Chapter Fifteen

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Warning: This chapter features/implies drug and self harm abuse towards the end.

The world around them was silent.

Everything else was nothing but a blur and even if it weren’t, she doubted she could focus on anything besides the way he was looking at her. His dark eyes were filled with emotions that she had once been scared of but secretly longed for. His eyes spoke of the nights that they spent at the beach by that damned rock with his guitar, the early sunrises and the late sunsets; promising words whispered against her skin in moments of weakness and gentle caresses that made her feel like she was floating. Deep in his eyes, though, she found hurt.

“I.. I have to go,” Sakura says quietly once she focuses back into the world outside of Itachi. She pulled her hand away from his and cut eye contact. “It was nice seeing you.” Hugging her arms to herself she quickly made pace to the car where Gaara, her boyfriend, was sitting with the window down. She knew he must have heard glimpses of everything, but she couldn’t find it in herself to care for much else other than the feeling of Itachi’s gaze burning into her back.

Feeling the car pull away from the venue and away from Itachi, she relaxed into the seat and let out a breath she hadn’t realized that she was holding. Her world was shifted and she reached for Gaara’s hand, something to stabilize herself with, but frowned when he pulled his hand away to rest it on the steering wheel instead. Shifting to curl in on herself more, she turned to the window and stared out of it instead.

She couldn’t wait to go home.

~ ' ~ ' ~

Watching her walk away was even more painful than when she never came at all.

“Why did you let her go?” Kisame asks as he takes a sip of his beer, peering at Itachi from across the room where said man was perched at the bar with his head resting on his left hand, his right hand nursing a glass of whiskey.

“I couldn’t very well stop her,” he snorts and Kisame rolls his eyes. “That wouldn’t do well for anyone. Besides,” Itachi carries on in a softer note that sounds disappointed, “she has moved on. She’s with that redhead.”

“Sasori’s cousin?”

“That would be the one.”

“Ah,” Kisame tips the beer bottle back with his head and finishes it off, discarding it into the trashcan full of bottles that looked the same. “Maybe we should go and visit him, huh? We’ve been needing to discuss band business anyway.”

“Perhaps,” mutters Itachi but he doesn’t care. He couldn’t find it in himself to find joy in his music anymore. He restarted playing for her, finding his muse in her, and letting himself drown in songs about her. He couldn’t play his guitar without thinking about her and the way her eyes would light up and scream so many emotions. It wasn’t the same.

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